'Big Brother' Season 22: Christmas cries after nominating Da’Vonne and Bayleigh, fans call it 'crocodile tears'

Christmas Abbott was shocked to find out that she won the Head of Household (HOH) competition, but that did not stop her from using her power. Christmas had been eyeing the prize for a long time and once she had it, she knew she couldn't let it go. Taking tips from her alliance and friends, Christmas seemed to have an idea of who she wanted to axe.
While she is loyal to her alliance, she knew that limited the number of people she could put on the block. The two main targets for Christmas from the start were Bayleigh Dayton and Da'Vonne Rogers. The pair have been best friends ever since the show started and Christmas thought they would prove to be a problem in the future.
Christmas knew it was important to put an end to this before things got worse and did not hesitate to nominate them during the elections. Luckily, she also had the support of the rest of her alliance who thought she was making a good decision. When it was finally time to reveal the nominations, Christmas revealed Da'Vonne and Bayleigh's name and made it clear that one of the reasons for their block is the bond they share.
Unfortunately, no amount of reasonings from Christmas could justify her move. Christmas cried as she tried to explain her move wasn't anything personal but part of game strategy. She went to the pantry and admitted it was a hard game to play as there were emotions involved. While Christmas tried to take control of her emotions, fans were not convinced by her tears.
Her move brought out a lot of strong reactions on social media, as one clearly livid fan put it: "Girl, f**k you and your crocodile tears. Dani straight went crying to Christmas, painting Bay as aggressive. Y’all stay getting mad, when people point out the obvious racism in the #BigBrother house."
Girl, fuck you and your crocodile tears. Dani straight went crying to Christmas, painting Bay as aggressive. Y’all stay getting mad, when people point out the obvious racism in the #BigBrother house. #BB22 #BigBrotherAllStars pic.twitter.com/ghEbAiDCf4
— Audrey Brooks (@Mickey1Fan) September 7, 2020
"Not them showing Christmas crying over and over to make her look like the victim," said another slamming the show makers for encouraging a certain view about Christmas.
Not them showing Christmas crying over and over to make her look like the victim. #bb22 pic.twitter.com/WNhjlsFx6Z
— 🤍🕯✨ (@herintuition_) September 7, 2020
christmas shut you crying ass up you knew damn well that you ain’t have to put dayvonne up #bb22
— queenofqueens (@jaeedivine) September 7, 2020
While another user echoed similar thoughts and wrote, "Christmas shut you crying ass up you knew damn well that you ain’t have to put Da'Vonne up."
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.