'Big Brother' Season 22: Christmas cries in front of Cody after elimination round, fans call it 'fake tears'

Triple eviction shocked people in the house with some even found themselves in the hot spot. Christmas Abbot and Tyler Crispen had been working together for a long time. When it was time to remove another person from the game, the pair decided to turn things around. With Nicole Franzel and Dani Briones on the block, they had decided to bid goodbye to Nicole.
To make their plan a success, the pair decided to bring Enzo Palumbo into the picture. While Enzo decided to go with their plan, at the end moment, he turned things around by not voting for Nicole and instead decided to evict Dani. When the final votes were revealed, everyone was left shocked and it gave Tyler and Christmas a big advantage over the others.
Cody Calafiore, who was the new Head of Household, was sure that he would be putting Tyler and Christmas on the block. However, he knew that the person he wanted to stay in the game was Tyler. Cody knew that Christmas was close to Memphis and it was important for him to throw her from the game while Memphis was still in the house.
Once she revealed his nominations, Tyler and Christmas were not too shocked. However, they knew it was time to start working their magic and making sure they get to stay in the game. While Tyler decided to talk to a few people, Christmas took the other route and went to talk to Cody. As she sat down with him, she grew sad and admitted it was an emotional journey. Speaking to the camera, Christmas admitted she didn't know how emotional she was feeling until she started crying. However, she decided to let the tears flow in the hope that it would have some effect on Cody.
Crystal crying pathetic! It’s a game!! She made others cry!! Karma!! #BB22
— Jane M. Mag (@Jmm5555) October 8, 2020
However, Cody was not too thrilled to see Christmas cry. He felt bad that she came to his room and broke down and cried but he made it clear it was not changing anything. Fans were quick to react to this and many called Christmas out for her fake tears. "Crystal crying pathetically! It’s a game!! She made others cry!! Karma!!" read one comment.
"I hate that the remaining women of the house strategy are to cry it out," said another. "Cody not buying Christmas' fake tears," wrote another. "As we approach the real Christmas, the one in the house gets faker & faker," read another.
I hate that the remaining women of the house strategy is to cry it out #bb22
— Michael’s Auntie in PG County (@PorschaPocket) October 8, 2020
As we approach the real Christmas, the one in the house gets faker & faker. #BB22
— ButFirst! (@BButFirst1) October 8, 2020
'Big Brother' Season 22 airs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 pm ET on CBS.