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Bette Midler tweets prayer to God seeking ‘racist criminal’ Trump's defeat in 2020: 'Please let #JoeBiden win'

The actress pleaded that 'we won't have a country' if Trump wins and sought divine intervention to bring about Biden's win
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(Getty Images)

Bette Midler is praying that “racist criminal” President Donald J. Trump is defeated by his Democratic challenger Joe Biden on November 3. The Hollywood actress and singer took inspiration from author Judy Blume’s 'Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret' as she expressed her prayer in a tweet, asking God to grant Biden a victory on Election Day, Breitbart reported. “Are you there, God? It’s me, Bette. I’m so scared God.  We have a fascist in the #WhiteHouse, a racist criminal who hates democracy, denies science & kills our citizens!” she wrote. “#ElectionDay is next week. What if he wins? We won’t have a country! Please let #JoeBiden win. Thank you," she tweeted.


Midler's prayer came shortly after she launched a series of attacks against the President and his supporters. In fact, last week she posted something rather ungodly about the president. “String him up,” she wrote.


The 'Beaches' star, who is one of Trump's most vocal critics in Hollywood, has also shared Atlantic magazine's article accusing the President of calling army veterans “losers” and “suckers” in an unsavory rant. As Breitbart News reported, the magazine's claims -- based on anonymous sources -- were discredited by several individuals in the White House, including some of Trump's adversaries like former National Security Adviser John Bolton.

"It’s so stunning to believe that a man with absolutely NO moral compass, no ideas, no knowledge of the constitution, a man so stupid he had to pay someone else to take his SATS, a man who calls the military losers and suckers, has managed to appoint THREE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES!" she tweeted.


"Trump called our military dead "losers" & "suckers" & didn't want wounded vets in his military parade because "nobody wants to see that." He doesn't give a fuck that 186,000 Americans have died of Covid-19. He's a psychopath & the world's luckiest serial killer. #VOTEBIDENHARRIS," Midler tweeted last month.


The 'Hocus Pocus' star's criticism of Trump came just weeks after she was branded a "racist" for mocking first lady Melania Trump's accent during the Republican National Convention (RNC). Earlier this month, Midler said the timing of the first couple being quarantined after testing positive for COVID-19 was "convenient." The vocal Trump critic took to Twitter on October 2 and said that the timing was "interesting" because it somehow meant no more presidential debates for the Republican leader.
"Just learned that Hope Hicks tested positive for COVID. Timing's so interesting. I guess Trump's quarantining will mean no rallies, and no more debates. Convenient," Midler tweeted. "It's awful to always think the worst, but after four years of relentless lying? Can't be helped. No trust left," she added.


Midler wrote the tweet less than an hour after Trump confirmed that the first couple had tested positive for the novel coronavirus and that they were quarantined at the White House together. The President and the first lady were tested for the virus on October 1, shortly after it was revealed that White House aide Hope Hicks had been diagnosed with the disease.