What is Beskar Steel, and why is this rare metal so important to The Mandalorian on the Disney+ show

Spoilers ahead for Season 1, Episode 1 of ‘The Mandalorian’
‘The Mandalorian’ is a show that’s low on exposition. However, when it chooses to focus on something particular and invests in a build-up, it’s a pretty sure bet that the subject is of serious significance.
Beskar Steel is the material that the Mandalorian takes as payment for a very special bounty. The material reveals a lot about who the Mandalorian is.
Beskar Steel is a high quality, special material found on Mandalore, homeworld of the Mandalorians. It was used in most of their armour, and as a warrior culture, this is something that’s of great significance to the Mandalorians. It was a source of cultural pride, giving the Mandalorians some of the toughest armour in the galaxy. It’s of even greater cultural significance considering that the metal was taken when Mandalore was conquered by Darth Maul in ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’.
The material has been in the hands of the Empire ever since. However, ‘The Mandalorian’ is set after the fall of the Empire. This means that Beskar Steel is something the Mandalorians can reclaim.
The show’s titular Mandalorian (Pedro Pascal) is already well on his way towards collecting some of it. He takes the first piece he gets to a Mandalorian armourer (Emily Swallow) to be made into a pauldron.
It’s clear that the Mandalorian has a strong connection to his people. The importance he gives to the Beskar Steel illustrates that. This also shows him to be a man who adheres strongly to the code and honour of his people. The money he earns is given straight to the armourer, for his tribe. He cares for his people, as a warrior best can.
Mandalore has had a serious fall from grace, and the recovery of Beskan Steel can go a long way towards restoring his people back to their former glory. This makes it all the more important that he complete the job—more important than money, even.
At the end of the final episode, he finds that his bounty is, in fact, a baby. The Mandalorian now has a difficult choice ahead of him.
The next episode of ‘The Mandalorian’ airs November 15 on Disney+.