'Below Deck' Season 2: Fans want Madison appointed as chief stewardess next season and Jenna reporting to her

It's been a tough season for Madison Stalker who was learning the tricks and trades of the yachting industry under the able guidance of Jenna MacGillivray, the chief stewardess of Parsifal III. However, she has evolved and shown immense growth. From being someone who would take time to absorb instructions and act on them, she went on to become a responsible individual who was able to single-handedly manage and serve guests while her superiors took a nap.
Before the crew said their goodbyes on 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht,' Jenna, Madison and Georgia Grobler had a little chat about their experiences during the season. While Georgia called Jenna out for bullying her and Madison, the latter had a perfectly-shaped answer: "We are done, we made it. Let's have one more goodnight."
It appeared to be a genuine effort on Madison's part to douse the fire that Jenna and Georgia were in. Another minute and they could have taken the conversation to the bitter end because it did sound like Georgia had a lot of complaints about Jenna not being the best boss and how she and chef Adam Glick have made rude and mean remarks about her and Madison.
Clearly, Madison showed what it's like to be a part of the team. Even previously, when Jenna decided to snuggle with Adam and take a break during peak work hours, Madison didn't rat her out. When Captain Glenn Shephard asked her opinion, she said all she wanted was the final charter to go well so that they could all end the season on a high note.
Meanwhile, fans seem to have made their pick. If the show returns for a second season, they want Madison to replace Jenna as the chief stew. "@_TheMadStalker needs to come back in season 2 if #belowdecksailing as Chief Stew. Period," a viewer commented while another shared: "On season 2 can Madison come back as Chief Stew, Please & Thank You #BelowDeckSailingYacht."
"I think they should bring Jenna back next season, but make her third stew. #BelowDeckSailingYacht," a fan posted. "We need some new chief stews for sure," another expressed. "I want to see Madison and Ciera as the chief stew and bosun next season. These boats need some cool chicks calling the shots. #BelowDeckSailing," a user tweeted. "Madison for Chief Stew!! Jenna needs to go for a long swim with Adam!! #BelowDeckSailing," another wrote.