'Below Deck Sailing Yacht': Charter guests tip $20,000, chief stew Jenna says they have redeemed themselves

The charter guests this time were a handful. Champagne saber-ing, partying and drinking, the group of boys aboard the yacht, Parsifal III, had a good time but the crew, not so much. They were demanding and chaotic. Alcohol, girls and random trips to beach clubs were an important and consistent part of the boys' itinerary.
Even though the stewardesses, chef, deckhands and the captain ensured the guests' needs were met, there were times when their patience ran out. Lenny, one of the boys from the group, lifted Madison Stalker like a dumbbell just for fun until she insisted that he put her down. It was humiliating and disrespectful but no one took any action against it because it was everyone's duty to serve the guests onboard.
Later, the boys brought in a group of girls and a DJ from a club they had visited just by the beach. Only Madison and Parker McCown were up at the time and had a hard time attending to the bunch because they were out of control and busy throwing up all over the deck and cushions. Later, Captain Glenn Shephard had to step in to try and get some decorum in place.
There is nothing weird or wrong about wanting to party and living it all up in the middle of the sea. But showing consideration towards those serving us is something people need to take into account. However, the group left a generous tip of $20,000 for the nine-member crew, with each walking away with $2200.
As the captain sat down with the crew to brief them about their performance, he said he was pleased with the way the team rose to the occasion despite the challenges thrown at them by the guests. Upon learning of the tip amount, everyone cheered with Jenna commenting that the boys may have redeemed themselves.
It's interesting because Jenna was the one who had made a fierce judgment about the boys. When Byron Hissey and Paget Berry were discussing if that's the way the boys (guests) behaved all the time, Jenna swooped in with a sarcastic statement saying for such people "women are wh**** and men are gods".
Catch all the new episodes of 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' on Bravo every Monday.