'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Finale: Viewers threaten to boycott Season 2 if 'unlikable' Jenna and Adam are back

Jenna MacGillivray and Adam Glick may have found love in each other, but the viewers hate them. Yes, hate is a strong word, but it wouldn't be an incorrect assumption given the amount of trolling fans resort to on social media.
Throughout the season, the couple has struggled to keep their relationship afloat. They have had nasty fights that included Adam abandoning Jenna at the dock after she tried to convince him to sleep with her. It was an unsettling growth graph for the two but they survived, however, not without being mean or bullying crew members around. Parker McCown left the boat mid-season because it had gotten too much too soon for him. He was a novice and was learning his way around the yachtie life when Adam decided to call him out for several things — for not doing his bed properly and occasionally mocking him for failing at his job.
Jenna, on the other hand, would often complain about the girls — Madison Stalker and Georgia Grobler — to Adam and together they would have a good laugh about them. There have been times when the ladies have overheard them being downright mean and rude to them but they could never question the two because they were in leadership roles on the boat and therefore, a certain respect had to be given. Until of course it got too much and Georgia just vented her piled up frustration against Jenna when she asked how her season went. "You and Adam have made like a lot of jokes at everyone's expense, talking about people in the galley and as soon as we come in, you undermine them because you guys have personal jokes and stuff," she said.
It was surprising to see Jenna explain herself because on an ideal day, she wouldn't. Instead, she would just ask her team to suck it up and do their job. In her defense, all the remarks and comments were her way of releasing frustration from the "stupid questions" that she was asked by them. Georgia pitched in too and said it was only natural for a newbie to ask questions.
Meanwhile, viewers have expressed an interest in Season 2, provided there are no Adam and Jenna in it. "Dear @BravoTV @Andy if you bring back Adam & Jenna next season you can count me out as a viewer. It's safe to say many viewers share my sentiments. Jenna was the worst Chief Stew ever casted and Adam is Adam. #BelowDeckSailing #BelowDeckSailingYacht," a fan commented, while another shared: "Hope they don’t bring Jenna back or Adam not worth watching the show with those 2 on."
"I hope watching Jenna and Adam step off Parsifal III is the last we see of them. The. Absolute. Worst. #BelowDeck #BelowDeckSailing," a viewer shared. "Okay... So this crew totally grew on me. With the exception of Adam and Jenna I would totally love to see them all back for another season.#BelowDeckSailing," another tweeted. "So how old is Jenna? 12? 16? She is the worse. If there is a season 2, if she is back. Peace out. So unwatchable and unlikable. #BelowDeckSailing," a user pointed out.