'Below Deck': Madison has two reasons why Adam and Jenna are Kim Kardashian-Kanye West of yachting

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' has returned with Episode 15 and like most weeks, this time a well the spotlight is on Adam Glick and Jenna MacGillivray who are in a turbulent relationship riddled with misunderstandings that stem from immature behavior.
The couple often gets into violent fights that are silenced by hugs and kisses in the galley. It's all very mushy and romantic but a public display of affection at the workplace isn't the best idea.
Until now, Jenna and Adam got their way, but the scene has started to change. The crew members have expressed an aversion towards their conduct. In today's episode, Ciara Duggan shares her concern about Jenna slacking off. "She has put Madison (Stalker) on service and laundry so she can go take a nap with Adam. Jenna spends more time on Adam's lap than she does on service," Ciara tells Captian Glenn Shephard.
Even though Ciara's intention was not to b***h about Jenna, but it raised a considerable amount of doubt in Glenn's mind. He even checked with Madison if she had similar opinions about Jenna's missing-in-action, but she said she wants to end the season on a good note and not bleat on about it.
Together, Jenna and Adam have charted some troubled waters and this wobbly journey of theirs through uncertain phases has often impacted the performances at work.
Previously, Adam threw a huge tantrum about not receiving the right produce for his meals. And this was his way of reacting to Jenna not appreciating his efforts the way he had hoped she would. And now Jenna, in an effort to iron out their differences, took time off from work smack in the middle of the day, leaving her team overloaded with work.
Meanwhile, their attitude has put off Madison and in her green-room interview, she even said Adam and Jenna were like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West of yachting. "Are they very pretty to look at? 100%. Do you want to be in a room with them for longer than three seconds? no," Madison quipped.
Captain Glenn, however, took the crew members' feedback seriously and indirectly alerted Jenna about the decline in service. Obviously, this left her enraged. She later discussed with Adam how she'd appreciate if Glenn could point out examples.
Let's hope her credential as a stewardess is not tainted by a momentary lapse of judgment.
Catch all the new episodes of 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' on Bravo every Monday.