'Below Deck': Captain Lee warns Kate to watch her behavior after she gets drunk and throws a fit

Kate has been having a hard time adjusting with the crew and things got a little out of hand this time. In today's episode of 'Below Deck,' the crew seemed disappointed with how Kate behaved. With Kate being the charge on the boat there are certain responsibilities that are expected of her but her behavior is making it hard for everyone to take her seriously.
Things went a little out of hand when Kate got drunk during their day off and in a fit of anger threw the uniforms on the floor in front of Captain Lee. Brian was surprised to see that Kate did not consider that the captain was in front of her. Some of the crew members thought that Kate has an easy pass over things because of her past with the captain.
Lee and Kate had worked in the past and has more experience working with Lee as compared to other crew members. However, this time, Lee was not letting Kate walk over things. He called her out and expected her to get her act in order. Kate was disappointed and went to her bed sobbing after recalling everything that happened.
The next morning Lee called Kate for a cup of coffee and reminded her that he would not tolerate her previous day's behavior on his boat and made it clear that this should be the last time he had to see her behaving like this.
Lee confessed that Kate had worked with him for five years and that had put her on top of others. However, he was not impressed with how she decided to handle the situation. He made a point to let Kate know that as well.
While Kate seems to have understood that her days to get a pass by captain have come to an end, she is still finding it hard to make other crew people respect her. Looks like Kate has a long way to go.
'Below Deck' airs on Mondays at 9 pm on Bravo.