Below Deck’s Abbi Murphy marries Greek boyfriend after getting engaged via text message, fans don’t seem too impressed

Abby Murphy of ‘Below Deck’ has married her former boss, Patrick, a Greek sailboat captain. It happened immediately after exchanging their first “I love you” declaration via text message.
Patrick took his chance and asked Abbi if she would marry him. Guess it didn’t take long to decide because Abbi said yes. So technically, they got engaged via text message. The wedding was similarly low key but intimate.
In an Instagram post, Abbi described the wedding: “Yes... we actually got married. The wedding was at a town hall in Plymouth, MA. We are wearing home-made rope rings made by my dad’s gf’s [girlfriend's] elementary school student. My dad was there and it was a beautiful, meaningful and simple ceremony. We didn’t want or need a fancy wedding because we only needed each other in that moment. Now we are happy, sailing, living in Greece.”
‘Below Deck’s’ new deckhand Murphy is sure keeping us entertained with her shenanigans, from giving anxiety to everybody with her open hair to her constant goof-ups with her radio, she had us all chuckling. But this time around, Abbi left us all shocked when she announced she got engaged to her boyfriend of two years via a text message.
Initially, Abbi revealed she was in an open relationship with her boyfriend, Patrick. She was very interested in her boss, Ashton Pienaar, but that soon fizzled down. Luckily for her, the distance seems to have done its magic as her boyfriend and she realized that they missed each other and were in love.
So, during one of their regular texting sessions, Patrick casually asked her if she’d like to marry him, and our girl happily agreed. She then soon went around announcing to everybody in the yacht that she’s engaged.
Each of the crew members had an interesting reaction to the news, while Courtney Skippon and Kate Chastain felt it was ridiculous and didn’t like that it was done via text, Ashton was completely caught off-guard and had a tough time coming to terms with it. Fans too don’t seem to be digging the whole concept of getting engaged via texts.
A fan wrote, “Is this the way the young'ins do it? Engagement via text? Erm... s'long as you're happy, that's all that matters... I guess... do you then get married via txt? I feel old. #Belowdeck”. Another fan tweeted, “Who gets proud of getting engaged over a text? You really happy about dude proposing to you over the phone?! God bless...#BelowDeck”. A fan joked, “Fascinated by this engagement by text- do you do a screenshot and save it for your grandchildren to see? #belowdeck”.
Several fans are hell-bent against calling it an engagement. “Is an engagement even official without a ring? #BelowDeck #belowdeck”, wrote a fan. Another fan echoed similar thoughts with, “I’m not sure that’s an engagement... #BelowDeck”. A fan summarized it well with, “Oh I am with Courtney. An engagement over text...eyes rolled straight off the boat and back to the states. #BelowDeck”.
‘Below Deck’ Season 7 airs every Monday at 9 pm ET/PT only on Bravo.