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‘Belgravia: The Next Chapter’ Review: MGM+ series delivers captivating blend of romance and betrayal

The attention to detail in the sets and costumes of the series allows the audience to step back in time
Frederick Trenchard and Clara Dunn attempt to get closer after their marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 1 (@MGM+)
Frederick Trenchard and Clara Dunn attempt to get closer after their marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 1 (@MGM+)

LONDON, ENGLAND: All the episodes of 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter', created by Helen Edmundson, have officially dropped on MGM+, offering an engaging viewing experience that is sure to captivate audiences.

The cast includes Harriet Slater as Clara Dunn, Benjamin Wainwright as Lord Frederick Trenchard, Toby Regbo as James Trenchard, and Edward Bluemel as Dr Stephen Ellerby. The series expertly blends historical events with fictional narratives.

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter', which serves as a sequel to Julian Fellowes' limited series ‘Belgravia’, revolves around the same family as past wrongdoings come back to haunt a new generation, putting the third Lord Glanville, Frederick Trenchard, in jeopardy.

Benjamin Wainwright's portrayal of Lord Frederick Trenchard mesmerizes viewers

Is Frederick Trenchard ready to step up and save his marriage marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter'? (MGM+)
Is Frederick Trenchard ready to step up and save his marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter'? (@MGM+)

Benjamin Wainwright delivers an outstanding performance as Lord Frederick Trenchard, infusing the character with a consistent blend of charm, sophistication, and depth.

Wainwright portrays a character burdened by a mysterious past, a role that presents a considerable challenge to convincingly depict. However, he effortlessly captures the intricacies of the character.

Wainwright's ability to embody the complexities of Frederick Trenchard's character adds depth and authenticity to the series, elevating the overall viewing experience.

His character is deeply haunted by memories of his father's mistreatment, which continue to torment him throughout the series.

From his closest confidantes to his family members, everyone seems to betray him in one way or another.

Wainwright has the toughest job of all: to portray a strong protagonist and ensure that the character remains engaging and interesting throughout all eight episodes.

Harriet Slater and Benjamin Wainwright’s irresistible chemistry resonates with viewers

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 1 showcases the courtship between Frederick Trenchard and Clara Dunn (MGM+)
'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episode 1 showcases the courtship between Frederick Trenchard and Clara Dunn (@MGM+)

The captivating chemistry between Harriet Slater and Benjamin Wainwright feels truly authentic, making it one of the standout features of the period drama series.

The series starts with the brief courtship of Lord Frederick Trenchard and Clara Dunn, featuring timid interactions, tender gestures, and a lovely wedding.

Harriet Slater as Clara Dunn and Benjamin Wainwright as Lord Frederick Trenchard elevate the storyline of the series, making it a compelling watch for fans of period dramas.

Replete with romance, longing looks and furtive glances, Harriet Slater and Benjamin Wainwright can resonate with viewers on a profound level.

Harriet Slater shines in ‘Belgravia: The Next Chapter’

Clara Dunn spots two beds in Frederick Trenchard's childhood nursery (MGM+)
Clara Dunn in a still from 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (@MGM+)

Harriet Slater, who is known for her roles in the DC Universe series ‘Pennyworth’, has delivered a standout performance as Clara Dunn in ‘Belgravia: The Next Chapter’.

Slater's portrayal is nuanced, bringing out the complexities of Clara with subtlety and grace. Her ability to convey a range of emotions, from joy and warmth to vulnerability and strength, adds depth and dimension to the character.

Upon her character's initial introduction, it becomes clear to the audience that she is a kind and empathetic person, despite being trapped in an unhappy marriage.

An immersive experience for viewers

A potential love triangle might put Clara Dunn and Frederick Trenchard's marriage in trouble in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (MGM+)
A still from Clara Dunn and Frederick Trenchard's marriage in 'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' (@MGM+)

The series is filled with surprises and a myriad of twists that keep audiences on the edge of their seats. However, the storyline is not fresh, relying on familiar tropes and plots commonly found in period dramas.

‘Belgravia: The Next Chapter’ is visually stunning, with exquisite cinematography that transports viewers to 1871.

The attention to detail in the sets and costumes adds to the immersive experience, allowing audiences to truly feel like they have stepped back in time.

Overall, the series offers a delightful escape into a world of intrigue. It's a must-watch series for anyone looking to lose themselves in a captivating story set in a bygone era.

'Belgravia: The Next Chapter' Episodes 1-8 are now streaming on MGM+