'Beastars' Season 1 Ending explained: Legoshi will fight his carnivorous instincts as he loves Haru

An intense love story between a loner wolf and a promiscuous dwarf rabbit---heard that one before? Well, welcome to the world of 'Beastars', where humanoid animals come to Cherryton school. It's a complicated world, fraught with tensions between the herbivores and carnivores, not to mention there's a killer on the loose.
That killer, as we discover in the first episode is Legoshi, who is not able to suppress his carnivorous instincts anymore. He attacks Haru in the first episode and is about to devour her while battling with his inner demons. She escapes with a couple of scratches but is unable to remember the ordeal. Throughout the series, the two develop a peculiar relationship. Legoshi is sexually attracted to Haru, who is sleeping with Ruis. Yet, she continues to be drawn to Legoshi. There's something that is magnetic about her timidness and awkwardness. He rescues her from being assaulted by Shishu Ghumi, a lecherous lion.
Just as Haru and Legoshi are about to consummate their relationship, their primal instincts come into play. Haru is not able to let Legoshi come near her out of some fear, and this creates awkwardness between them. In the last episode, they finally confront their feelings for each other.
Legoshi wants to tell Haru how he feels, but she is too tired and drained and does not come on time to a school fete. She realises that she was not scared of being eaten by him or that he won't love her, but she was fearful of how 'small and puny' she is. Hence, that's why she was avoiding him. She knows she loves him and can't be without him, and he feels the same way.
At first, before they tell each other, he's pulled up on stage and congratulated for saving Haru. "That's the true nature of carnivores!" says Juno. Legoshi feels uncomfortable and wants to get back to Haru, but Juno does not wish to let him go. Hurt, Haru walks away as she feels that 'they look so good with each other'. She worries that no one will accept a wolf and a rabbit as a couple. However, Legoshi catches up to her and they confess their undying love for each other. He tells her that he won't let society or his instincts get in the way of his feelings.
The series ends on an ominous note, as Legoshi tells someone, "We've been looking for you." And then asks, "What are you smiling for?"
And that's that. 'Beastars is streaming on Netflix.