Bear Grylls compared to 70s porn star after sporting handlebar mustache during appearance on 'Good Morning Britain'

Bear Grylls caused quite an uproar amongst ITV's 'Good Morning Britain' viewers after he showed up at the talk show rocking a handlebar mustache which many felt made him look like a 70s porn star.
The 45-year-old was making an appearance to talk about his fundraising for African conservation charity Tusk, which was set up in 1990 to amplify the impact of progressive conservation initiatives across the continent, but quickly went off-topic.
After addressing his presence at the Tusk Conservation Awards, which celebrates those who work to keep endangered animals in Africa safe, hosts Ben Shephard and Charlotte Hawkins turned the conversation to his facial hair.
Grylls, to his credit, appeared unfazed by the attention and said he expected it. He explained he has been growing the mustache as part of 'Movember,' an annual event that takes place every November which sees men around the world grow staches to raise awareness of men's health issues.
"I find myself in a situation when I apologize before they even say anything," he said, speaking about his mustache. "‘[I shaved the beard off] and left the mustache, then I went home and my wife went, 'urgh, ohh.'"
He admitted he was not a big fan of it himself and that he would be shaving it off in time for the filming of his new interactive Netflix survival series 'You vs Wild.'
"I start our new Netflix series next week so I'm going to get rid of it for that but I thought, it's Movember and why not?" he said.
Viewers, unsurprisingly, didn't know what to make off the 45-year-old's facial hair, with many likening to the ones porn stars used to sport in the 70s.
"Bear lookin like a Seventies porn star," one viewer commented, while another similarly wrote, "Is there a reason bear grylls is rocking a porno tash #GMB?"
"#GMB bear grylls@looks@like a 70’s throwback," a third person posted and a fourth quipped, "Bear Grylls starting to look like one of the Chuckle Brothers with that tash #GMB."