'Batwoman' fans launch #KateKaneIsBatwoman campaign after showrunner decides to replace her with new character

Last month, 'Batwoman' star Ruby Rose dropped a shocker when she announced she was exiting the show. While it was initially announced the role would be recast, a new development made headlines a week after stating that The CW show would dispense Kate Kane altogether and instead "invent a new" character to don the suit. The news was confirmed by Caroline Dries, the showrunner, who said, “I’m inventing a whole new character who in her past was inspired by Batwoman, so she will take on the mantle and is completely maybe not the right person at the time to be doing it, so that’s what makes it fun," reports Deadline.
Arrowverse fans though have been miffed with the update and have launched the #KateKaneIsBatwoman campaign on Twitter. "I think it is stupid as hell. The CW and Batwoman showrunners are making a colossal mistake. All they have to do is find a good recast not destroy the whole damn show by introducing an irrelevant character to be Batwoman. We want Kate Kane. Kate Kane or just cancel the show," a fan wrote. "It is crucial to the story to have Kate Kane as #Batwoman. The whole motivation of Alice doing everything she did was because of Kate! She killed Mouse because of Kate," a tweet read.
"You'll most likely just give her an offscreen death or randomly have her leave. 1) death would feel completely out of the left field and 2) her leaving Gotham isn't in character whatsoever since season 1 built up Kate WANTING to help because no one else did. #Batwoman," another opined. "I’m going to be one of those pessimistic fans & say... I really hope @CWBatwoman /@BatwomanWritersgets canceled after they introduce this ridiculous new character. Kate Kane is the ONLY #Batwoman & she should remain that way. #KateKaneIsBatwoman #KateKane," a fan wrote.
"#KateKaneisBatwoman Kate Kane deserves for her story to be told. Just as with Oliver in Arrow, Barry in Flash, Kara in Supergirl. Their stories of character growth and evolution are told throughout the seasons of their shows. It should be the same for Kate. @TheCW @carolinedries, a fan remarked. "I’ll NOT accept another Batwoman if it isn’t Kate Kane. #KateKaneIsBatwoman," a fan tweeted.
"I don't like recast but I was open to the idea. But not this. Bringing an OC to take over Kate's story feels like a slap in the face. I have no interest in the series if they continue with this path. #KateKaneIsBatwoman," a fan opined. "#KateKaneisBatwoman@CWBatwoman DO NOT make up some new character! Literally NOBODY thinks that’s a good idea! RECAST HER, another fan exclaimed.
Here's one tweet that sums up the need for the campaign perfectly: "@carolinedries and @GBerlanti: Batwoman without Kate Kane is not Batwoman! Have respect for the comics and the character! @CWBatwoman @BatwomanWriters KEEP KATE KANE AS #BATWOMAN! #SaveKateKane #SaveBatwoman #KateKaneIsBatwoman."