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'Batwoman': It's time for someone else to take up the cowl and Mary Hamilton just got her origin story

Kate Kane is not the best Batwoman the show could have and needs a replacement — or at least, a little more oversight
UPDATED FEB 11, 2020
Ruby Rose and Nicole Kang (Source: IMDb)
Ruby Rose and Nicole Kang (Source: IMDb)

Spoiler alert for ‘Batwoman’ Episode 8 

Batwoman (Ruby Rose) is, at first glance, perfectly positioned to take up the mantle of the bat. She’s been trained in combat, has a strategic mind and is a prominent member of the Kane family — a legacy that has almost as much responsibility for the well-being of Gotham as the Waynes. She’s even Batman’s cousin, keeping the bat-mantle well within the family. Kate Kane has been showing some serious lapses in judgment, however, and it might be time for the only level-headed person on the show to take up the ruby wig. 

Kate Kane has a blindspot for Alice (Rachel Skarsten) that goes far beyond giving her reasonable benefit of the doubt. It was one thing when she was trying to keep her father from outright killing Alice, but it’s another thing entirely to let a confessed murderer and significant crime leader run around free in Gotham, wreaking whatever havoc she sees fit to. Kate’s misplaced sense of sisterly guilt has allowed Alice to kidnap their father and murder quite a few people, most recently and most notably, Kate Kane’s stepmother, Katherine Hamilton (Elizabeth Anweis). 

There is no excuse for letting someone as dangerous as Alice go free. Even accounting for the idea that Alice’s madness means she’s not responsible for her actions — unlikely, as Alice seems eccentric but fully in control of herself — it’s not like Gotham doesn’t have a place for the criminally costumed and insane. As someone responsible for saving the lives of other people, Batwoman has really dropped the ball. 

Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang), in the meanwhile, has been saving lives almost non-stop since the show began. She already leads the life of a superhero — she’s got a secret identity, has multiple wardrobe changes to keep that identity a secret, a secret base at an undisclosed location, and she uses her skills to save lives on a regular basis. The only thing she has been missing is a tragic backstory, and now, thanks to Alice, she has that, too. 

More than anyone on the show, even Luke Fox (Camrus Johnson), Mary is the one person who seems to have a clear view of the situation. She has a strong sense of morality that shines through episode after episode, a level head on her shoulders, and now, a reason to take the fight to Alice directly. As a medical practitioner, Mary should know that prevention is better than cure, and what better way to keep people from coming in with crime-related injuries than stopping crime itself?

Sure, she doesn’t have the training that Batwoman has. Between Kate’s background and Luke Fox’s technology, however, it wouldn’t take too long for her to become a real force for change in Gotham city. If not the Batwoman suit, then at least the Flamebird identity and become Batwoman’s ally in the fight for a safer Gotham. One way or another, Gotham needs a level head, and Mary Hamilton may just be the only person left in Gotham who has one.

The next episode of ‘Batwoman’ airs December 8, on The CW.