How is Barron Trump's health now? POTUS slammed for not worrying about son: 'I don't think he gives a sh*t'

The Trump family is going through quite an upheaval after being infected with Covid-19. On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, First Lady Melania Trump issued a major health update revealing that she had tested negative but her son Barron Trump was positive in the second round of testing. Almost two weeks ago, President Donald Trump announced that he and his wife had tested positive.
At that time, the White House confirmed that Barron Trump hadn't been tested positive after sick trolls attacked him on Twitter. "Barron has tested negative and all precautions are being taken to ensure he's kept safe and healthy," First Lady Melania Trump's spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham told Fox News about the president's teenage son.
Later, Melania penned down a long letter titled "My personal experience with Covid-19". She confirmed that he too was infected with the virus despite showing no symptoms and a negative test result. "Naturally, my mind went immediately to our son,' she said while penning her thoughts after the first couple testing positive at the beginning of the month.
She added, "To our great relief he tested negative, but again, as so many parents have thought over the past several months, I couldn’t help but think 'what about tomorrow or the next day?'. My fear came true when he was tested again and it came up positive. Luckily he is a strong teenager and exhibited no symptoms." According to reports, the 14-year-old is now negative for Covid-19.
Although Melania didn't have to be admitted to the hospital, she described a "rollercoaster" of symptoms and went on a "natural route" for treatment. "I was very fortunate as my diagnosis came with minimal symptoms, though they hit me all at once and it seemed to be a roller coaster of symptoms in the days after. I experienced body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time. I chose to go a more natural route in terms of medicine, opting more for vitamins and healthy food," the First Lady said.

No sooner did the news surface on Twitter, people on the Internet took a swipe at Trump, noting how he was unconcerned about his son and wife. "If you need still more evidence of Trump's lack of character and intelligence, look no further. He is playing Russian roulette with his youngest child. It seems Barron is okay, but it could have turned out far worse," one tweet read
Another said, "How is he supposed to protect your kids when he can't even protect his own son. Hope he gets through this fine. Will not put the sins of the father on the son." A third even went on to say, "I don't think he gives a sh*t about Barron Trump."
If you need still more evidence of Trump's lack of character and intelligence, look no further. He is playing Russian roulette with his youngest child. It seems Barron is okay, but it could have turned out far worse.
— Peter Dombrowski (@PeterDombrowsk6) October 14, 2020
how is he suppose to protect your kids when he cant even protect his own son. hope he gets through this fine. will not put the sins of the father on the son.
— Bill bixby (@Billbix04047796) October 14, 2020
I don't think he gives a shit about Barron trump.
— Darrell Newitt (@NewittDarrell) October 15, 2020
White House reporter for Bloomberg News Jennifer Jacobs tweeted how Trump took only one question for Barron. "TRUMP took only one question from press on South Lawn before leaving White House for Des Moines, about his son. 'Barron's fine,' he said and volunteered that he's on his way to Iowa," she wrote.
Many users couldn't believe that the two had recovered so fast. "And in such a short time on just healthy food, Melanoma, Barron & the 'Dancing Queen' miraculously are the epitome of health! I find this so hard to believe! That’s way too short of a time period! How much extra pay for performances in his administration? Even the fly knew BS!" one tweet read
Another said, "On display are the effects of money, power, privilege, entitlement and disregard for the average American, which Donald Trump referred to as 'awful people'. The list of less than endearing characteristics is never-ending. Fortunately, #45's destructive epoch is drawing to a close."
TRUMP took only one question from press on South Lawn before leaving White House for Des Moines, about his son.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) October 14, 2020
“Barron’s fine,” he said, and volunteered that he’s on his way to Iowa.
And in such a short time on just healthy food, Melanoma, Barron & the “Dancing Queen” miraculously are the epitome of health! I find this so hard to believe! That’s way too short of a time period! How much extra pay for performances in his administration?
— gmeljac58 (@ginny_58) October 14, 2020
Even the fly knew BS!
On display are the effects of money, power, privilege, entitlement and disregard for the average American, which Donald Trump referred to as 'awful people'. The list of less than endearing characteristics is never ending. Fortunately #45's destructive epoch is drawing to a close.
— A.B. Wood (@ABWood12) October 14, 2020
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