Barber gets his 'bloody' revenge on boy who pranked him

A young kid has learned the hard way that you need to be careful about who you choose to prank. Young Vito had decided to play a prank on barber Jude Sannicandro and placed a fake cockroach on his counter when he was not looking. Jude did fall for the prank and as much as he appreciated being punked, he decided to figure out a way to get the boy back. Of course, he asked Vito's parent's permission first before going ahead with his ingenious plot. Jude decided to play a rather shocking prank and tricked the boy into thinking that he had lost his ear while getting a haircut. The barber used a lot of fake blood, a latex ear, and brilliant acting skills.
He pretended like he had accidentally clipped off Vito's right ear while he was giving him a trim. In the clip, Jude warns, "Be careful, this is a real sharp one, OK?" before telling Vito "Oh don't move". A few seconds later a very concerned looking Vito asks, "Am I bleeding?" to which Jude casually replies, "Hmm maybe a little". He proceeds to grab a handful of tissue which is concealed with a ton of fake blood.
Jude asks Vito if it hurt to which he responds saying "a little". Then the fun begins and Jude is seen saying "Oh man" before reasoning, "I don't think it's that bad." However, once the blood starts to spurt out and flow, Jude starts to beg Vito not to tell his parents about the mishap. "Oh my God dude, I think we need to call an ambulance," Jude exclaims while a brave young Vito suggests that a 'band-aid' may do the trick.
Clearly, a band-aid is not good enough and Vito's "ear" falls off. Now Vito is really starting to feel scared as he asks for his mother and Jude starts to enact the part of a worried adult absolutely perfectly. Finally, he puts the little kid out of his misery. Vito takes it quite well and is not a spoilsport about the prank. After sharing the hilarious clip, the clip went absolutely viral and garnered a lot of attention and laughs on the internet! Jude shared that the response has been surprising.
Hairstylists wrote in saying how the video made them feel like cutting some kid's ear off as a prank, meanwhile, Jude shared a reaction on his FB page where the video helped a man who found that his cancer relapsed have a belly-busting laugh. Jude's acting skills and Vito's sportsmanship were applauded as well.