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Obama praises Biden for picking Kamala Harris as running mate, says former veep 'nailed this decision'

'She's spent her career defending our Constitution and fighting for folks who need a fair shake. This is a good day for our country. Now let's go win this thing'
Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden (Getty Images)

Former President Barack Obama showered praise on Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate for the November 3 election, for picking Kamala Harris as his running mate on Tuesday, August 11. Speculations were on for some time as to who the former veep would settle for after he announced that it would be a woman. In the wake of the BLM protests across the US, the pressure was mounting on Biden and his team to settle for a candidate of color and there were quite a few faces that were in the fray till the California senator was finalized. 

In a statement, Obama, who served as the president between 2009 and 2017, said: "Joe Biden nailed this decision. By choosing Senator Kamala Harris as America's next vice president he's underscored his own judgment and character." Also in a tweet with which he attached his statement, Obama said: "I've known Senator @KamalaHarris for a long time. She is more than prepared for the job. She’s spent her career defending our Constitution and fighting for folks who need a fair shake. This is a good day for our country. Now let's go win this thing." He said in his statement that his wife Michelle, one of the most revered Black women in contemporary US, was also elated. 


Hillary Clinton, who came the closest to becoming the US’s first woman president in 2016 but lost to Donald Trump despite getting more popular votes, was also elated with Harris' nomination. In a tweet, the 72-year-old former secretary of state shared a picture of Biden and Harris: "I'm thrilled to welcome @KamalaHarris to a historic Democratic ticket. She's already proven herself to be an incredible public servant and leader. And I know she'll be a strong partner to @JoeBiden. Please join me in having her back and getting her elected."


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

Hillary’s husband and former President Bill Clinton called the decision to pick Harris a "terrific choice: and said the Biden-Harris partnership will be a strong one. 


Former national security adviser Susan Rice, who was also in the race for the vice-presidential ticket and reportedly had the backing of Obama, welcomed Harris' nomination. In a statement, the former Obama aide called Harris a "tenacious and trailblazing leader" and hoped her pairing with Biden will make a "winning ticket".


The latest development will mark 55-year-old Harris' return to the political center stage. The politician of Indian and Afro-Jamaican descent was in the running for the Democratic presidential nomination but dropped out even before 2020 started, citing dropping financial support. Till she was there, Harris was one the most outspoken candidates who fiercely took on even Biden on the issue of segregation of race in one of the debates last year. 

Things, however, have undergone a complete change since then. Harris has been one of the most vocal critics of the Trump administration. The current scenario in the US where race issues have become highly sensitive, the nomination of Harris is expected to give Biden that extra push. There was an air of uncertainty over a woman of color clinching the nomination after it was leaked that Biden had a secret meeting with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, another candidate, at his Delaware residence earlier this month. But with his announcement about Harris, all speculation has now been put to rest.

Bernie Sanders, Biden's last opponent in the race for the presidential nomination, also expressed his happiness on Twitter, saying: "Congratulations to @KamalaHarris, who will make history as our next Vice President. She understands what it takes to stand up for working people, fight for health care for all, and take down the most corrupt administration in history."


Harris' other VP opponents wish her luck

Other women of color who were in contention for the VP post, including Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and former Georgia House of Representatives Minority Leader Stacey Abrams, were also elated.



Texas Democratic Representative Sheila Jackson Lee said she had tears in her eyes and joy in her soul after she came to know about the decision. 


Harris is set to appear with Biden as his running mate after the official nomination at an event near the former’s home in Delaware on Wednesday, August 12. Biden will remotely accept his presidential nomination next week when the Democratic National Convention takes place in Milwaukee.