'Backyard Envy': Is James DeSantis leaving the show after disagreement with Melissa Brasier and Garrett Magee?
The projects on 'Backyard Envy' have been getting bigger by the minute and the pressure on the Manscapers is mounting. Although they have managed to get a handle on their increasing work pressure, inter-team relationships seem to have gone for a toss.
Melissa Brasier, James DeSantis, and Garrett Magee have had multiple discussions about the same. They even saw a business therapist to better understand where they were headed. In this week's episode, the trio sat down in their office to have a serious and timed chat about how to approach the current situation at hand.
Melissa and Garrett collectively expressed that they were confused about James's thoughts and actions. He has not been clear about what he wishes to do about his involvement in the team. On the one hand, he doesn't want to be on the job site, establish fresh contacts for branding, and on the other hand, he is with them planting trees at backyards.
James was surprised to learn that Melissa and Garrett are on the same page about him, and he seemed to have felt hurt due to the situation. Clearly, it's an endless conversation but it needs to be had and hashed out so that they can put in their mind and energy into the upcoming projects. Here's hoping the firm stays intact and the trio is able to come to terms with the fact that everyone brings interesting ideas to the plate and that a fractured team is less likely to succeed.
In the preview, we see James nodding as Garrett asks if James wants to take a break from working with him and Melissa. Are The Manscapers breaking up? Could be or it is just another editing marvel from Bravo. Time will tell.
However, it's not all dark and gloomy on 'Backyard Envy.' Garrett has said time and again that it would be lovely to be proposed to by his partner Andrew Walko but he has now decided to take matters into his own hands. We get a quick glimpse into the mushy beach proposal that has been arranged by Garrett and it'll be a surprise.
Catch all the new episodes of 'Backyard Envy' on Bravo every Tuesday at 10/9c. For more information, check your local listings.