Archie faces real threat of kidnap if Harry and Meghan get him to UK: 'It's better to leave him in Canada'

A former bodyguard of Princess Diana, Ken Wharfe, sided with Harry and Meghan Markle when it came to their decision to leave baby Archie back in Canada as they carry out the last of their royal duties in the UK in the next few days.
Appearing on ITV's 'Good Morning Britain,' Wharfe held his ground and defended the parenting skills of Harry and Meghan even when his opinion was attacked by British talk show host Piers Morgan.
"It struck me as slightly odd that both parents would be in London and this little nine-month-old baby is left back in Canada," Morgan said, as he criticized the mounting security bill that the couple will be raking up by leaving their toddler behind in Canada with a nanny and Meghan's friend Jessica Mulroney. "On the financial aspect of this, that means that Archie has to be protected in Canada while both his parents have to be protected here."
Wharfe, who has also protected Princes William and Harry in the past opined, "From my point of view, Archie is probably the biggest threat to the family than the parents in the sense that there is a real threat of a kidnap here." Speaking about Archie, he said, "He's part of the package. It doesn't matter if he stays in Canada, or comes to the United Kingdom, the building they are staying in has to be secured even when they are not there."
"I see what Piers is saying; show your child to grandmother and so forth. But from a security standpoint it's far better to leave him in Vancouver Island, to be honest."
Morgan, who has infamously slammed Harry and Meghan both on national television as well as in the columns he wrote on tabloids, estimated a guess as to how much it would cost to keep the couple safe. "This figure of £20million to look after the family, is that accurate?" he asked, to which Wharfe replied, "I think it is accurate, it is a bit of an unknown environment they are moving into here. That doesn’t include the accommodation, the traveling, the administration of actually running something like this."
Despite Wharfe's logical deductions, Morgan refused to change his opinion about the couple's decision to leave Archie behind in Canada. "Whatever your view of Meghan and Harry they absolutely do need high-level security and we saw with Princess Diana that when you get rid of royal protection officers you have to make sure that the people you bring in are of a same high standard," he added.