Axl Rose expresses disdain with Trump administration, Internet says 'welcome to the resistance'

Legendary Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose is well known for his tantrums and outspoken behavior when it comes to thrilling millions with his music performances and onstage antics. However, this time the temperamental singer has taken aim at the current Trump administration, outlining what he labels "disdain" for the regime we currently find ourselves in. He also said that due to his outrage, he felt obliged to speak out about the current state of affairs, because otherwise just being a passive observer would consequently make him a complicit party to what was currently unfolding in the United States.

Recently, as the Fourth of July weekend celebrations were due to kick off, Axl Rose had criticized the United States Surgeon General, Dr Jerome Adams, for failing to address whether people should be in close proximity with one another during Independence Day parties. When asked by Craig Melvin on July 3rd's edition of the 'Today' show if he would "advise someone to go to a large gathering, yes or no," Adams responded: "Craig, it's not a yes or no. Every single person has to make up their own mind. There are going to be people going to beaches, going to barbecues, going to different environments and they have to look at their individual risk."
He also said "As you mentioned, CDC says larger gatherings are a higher risk," and continued. "You have to take that into account again with whether or not you're at risk, whether you live with someone who is vulnerable. And then you have to take measures to stay safe. And the most important thing I would say to people is if you do go out to a gathering or in public, please wear a face covering."

Rose seemed incensed by this soft response, and tweeted a multiple choice question: "Jerome Adams is a: A coward b: A POS c: Both" and took US Surgeon General to task, saying, "Resign. U don't deserve the job or title. America deserves better." Adams promptly responded, saying "Hey Axl — appreciate your passion (and your music). How about helping me save some lives by sharing the message about being safe and using face mask coverings?" But an unimpressed Axl tweeted back: "Awesome! N' thanks! U wanna start by telling peeps to avoid large gatherings? Or u want me to? Shame we didn't get that out there 4 this wkend like on TV."
Rose took to Twitter again on July 5 to outline his disdain for the current Trump administration. He began, "My disdain 4 r [our] current administration n’ what I perceive as its threat to r [our] democracy is no secret. I’m not all that active w/ [with] social media n’ tho [and though] I more than appreciate anyone who takes an interest in something I might post, I don’t really have an interest in how many followers or retweets etc. I have as my political or social issue posts rn’t [arent] about me. They’re about the issues."
He continued, "In general my posts in regard to current events, politics or social issues r usually coming from a sense of outrage, obligation n responsibility to say something, at times when I feel not to is being complicit (as opposed to a desire for attention or self-promotion). I’m nobody, just a citizen that like everyone else has my own opinions n believes in my heart that ultimately, I want what's best for not just r [our] country but for humanity, wildlife n r environment n others, as opposed to right, left or any other wing fascism r at least in this country free to disagree."
He then concluded his scathing critique by saying: "So 4 me, when I feel someone in this administration for example, or perhaps media, in entertainment or the public says or does something, that in my view supports or caters to the irresponsibility of this administration or various issues w/government or law enforcement, I may voice an opinion. Perhaps a strong, or perhaps considered by some, a lewd or immature response or opinion. It happens."

He has always been a fiery vocalist, but at least he's speaking about the issues that really affect our nation. Fans seemed to welcome his stance, saying "Axl Rose welcome to the resistance" and "Axl has had a pretty consistent opinion on govt. and social issues. I agree that 2020 is weird AF. Just sayin, Axl has more clarity than those 2 [Kanye West and Elon Musk] all along."
Another fan said, "I appreciate you speaking out Axl. Truly. Imo those who don't are complicit" while a supporter also chimed in, saying "Thanks for staying super cool and standing for what matters." Rose later returned to Twitter to share an article tweeted by former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, which warned that Trump could refuse to leave office even after Joe Biden defeated him on Election Day. You can check that out by clicking here.