Atlanta Spa Shooting: Jen Psaki blames Trump's 'China virus' rhetoric for rising hate against Asian-Americans

In a press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that there was "no question" former President Donald Trump's rhetoric about the coronavirus played a role in escalating attacks on Asian-Americans. This came after President Joe Biden spoke about the shooting on Wednesday, March 17.
Biden said, “Whatever the motivation here, I know Asian-Americans are very concerned. Because as you know, I have been speaking about the brutality against Asian-Americans for the last couple of months, and I think it’s very, very troubling. But I am making no connection at this moment to the motivation of the killer. I’m waiting for an answer from — as the investigation proceeds — from the FBI and from the Justice Department. And I’ll have more to say when the investigation is completed.”
The shooting rampage at the three spas in the Atlanta area resulted in the death of eight people. The brazen attack, which took the lives of six women of Asian descent, stirred considerable outrage and fear in the Asian-American community. Pskai said, “And broadly speaking, there has been an increase, as you have noted and we have all seen, in attacks on — in crimes, and hate crimes as well in other circumstances, against Asian Americans."
Psaki was then asked, “The president said, in the Oval Office, he didn’t want to make a ‘connection’ on the motivation of the shooter in Atlanta. But to broaden it out, why does the president think attacks on Asian Americans are increasing in this country? Why does he think that’s happening?”
Psaki says "there's no question" that Trump's "damaging rhetoric" about Asians played a role in the spike of hate crimes against Asians happening now in America
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 17, 2021
She responded with, “Well, [President Biden] — he wanted to be very clear because there’s an ongoing FBI investigation, right? And he didn’t want to attribute motive. There are law enforcement authorities who do that. And it’s important to note when — when the investigation has concluded it or not. So that was a bar he was working to respect there.
She added, however, “you know, I think there’s no question that some of the damaging rhetoric that we saw during the prior administration, blaming — you know, calling Covid the ‘Wuhan virus’ or other things led to, you know, perceptions of the Asian-American community that are inaccurate, unfair, have raised, you know, threatening — has elevated threats against Asian Americans. And we’re seeing that around the country.”

Psaki also said, “That’s why, even before the events of — the horrific events of last night, he felt it was important to raise this issue — elevate it during his first primetime address, why he signed the executive order earlier in his presidency. And he will continue to look for ways to elevate and talk about this issue moving forward.” Psaki’s comment was supported by many on social media. One person said, “There has to be a Cause & Effect Law somewhere in the US to charge him with.”
And White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki is absolutely right. As so we're Trump's words in Charlottesville, Oklahoma, El Paso Texas and as she said, yesterday in Atlanta. There has to be a Cause & Effect Law somewhere in the US to charge him with
— Ronnie Price (@redwardprice719) March 17, 2021
Yeah. Water is wet. And the shooter was one of Trump's very fine people
— Torg (@TorgtheHalforc) March 17, 2021
It is mind blowing that Trump and his minions continue the hate. It is literally killing people, and the emotional damage is huge.
— cynthiaLea (@cynthiaLea15) March 17, 2021