Severely anorexic woman who plummeted to 5st builds self-transformation fitness program and is now an inspiration to many!

Athina Crilley had barely turned 13 when she got all worried about her weight. At 133lb, she believed she was overweight, and the desire to slim down and lose weight took over her. Thereon her tryst with exercise and diet began. It all seemed to be going well at the beginning, she felt lighter and was starting to lose weight; however, things went downhill soon after. She dropped a staggering 3st (42lb) in just five months, and that's when her parents started to notice that something was not right.
She recalls, "at first, I just wanted to lose a little weight, but then it started to escalate. It felt good at first, but after a while, I just started to feel weak every day.” Crilley's parent admitted her to the hospital for the first time. Although she recovered, she always found herself relapsing and in a span of a few years, things started to get worse for her.