Who are Ashley Petta and Anthony D'Amico? 'Married At First Sight' couple expecting their second daughter soon

If there is one thing that keeps us hooked on to 'Married at First Sight', it is the giant looming question of whether these couples really have what it takes to stick together. Some make it to judgment day, while others don't. And even if they do decide to stay married, there's no telling if a couple is really in it for the long haul.
But turns out, sometimes the expert panel does get it absolutely right, and in those cases, the couples go on to start a family of their own. It's heartwarming to see them brave through it all, work through difference and ultimately find what they're looking for — love.
If you're curious to know what past MAFS couples have been up to, then get ready for Season 2 of 'Married at First Sight Couples Cam'. A self-shot series, 'Couples' Cam' gives us a look at the 'MAFS' couples lives — from dealing with a pandemic to working on their relationship and in some cases, taking care of their growing families.
Last season we saw MAFS season 5 alum Ashley Petta and her husband Anthony D'Amico break the news to fans that they're expecting their second child. We have our fingers crossed — maybe we have some more exciting news again this time around!
It was love at first sight for the couple
When the couple met back in 2017, sparks flew almost instantly between the two, seeing that they hit it off. D'Amico even scored a few extra brownie points, seeing that he got Petta a wedding gift — a necklace complete with a note that read, “Just in case you get lost along the way, here’s a flashlight so you can find your way back to me.”
D'Amico went on to explain that he had a dream, a very vivid one, where he saw a flashlight flicker on the alphabet A. So for him to meet Petta felt like fate. Even the lunch between the two families went seemingly well and their honeymoon to the Bahamas proved to be a highlight. Petta is a restaurant manager for her family’s restaurant and bar, while D'Amico works as a sales director for a media company.
They have an adorable daughter and baby number 2 on the way!
One of the biggest highlights of 'Couples' Cam' Season 1 was Petta and D'Amico announcing that they were expecting another child together. With a fun little gender reveal, the couple announced that they'd be having another baby girl, making their cute daughter, Mila Rose D'Amico a big sister. Petta is due to give birth anytime now.
However, in an interview with People magazine, she revealed that it hasn't been smooth sailing. "I thought by this point I would be able to breathe and enjoy this pregnancy, but unfortunately that has not been the case. I've been experiencing a lot of spotting and bleeding over the last 10 days." But turns out, things seem to okay and both mother and baby are currently healthy.
"Several ultrasounds all check out and baby looks good." She added later. We can't wait to see a few more cute baby photos and see what the couple has been up to so far.
'Married at First Sight: Couples' Cam' Season 2 premieres on Lifetime on February 4 at 8/7c.