'Arrow' Season 8 Episode 6 preview: Lyla Michaels' betrayal of Team Arrow brings them to a very different world

Lyla Michaels (Audrey Marie Anderson) is part of the upcoming ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ in a big way. She has been shown helping the Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) for reasons that are uncertain, towards ends that are even more uncertain. At the end of the last episode of ‘Arrow’, we see her confronted about her secret dealings with the Monitor, but before Team Arrow can get answers, they’re taken out with tranquilizer darts.
The promo for the next episode shows Oliver awake on a very different world from the one he knows, but one just familiar enough to throw Oliver off balance. It’s a world where Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is alive and well. Oliver might be in an alternate dimension or his mind might be being tampered with. The Monitor has been messing with Oliver’s life in a variety of ways, most recently by bringing in the future Team Arrow that includes Oliver’s own children.
Check out the promo below:
According to the official synopsis, “after being double-crossed by Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson), Oliver (Stephen Amell) finds himself facing a life or death situation that seems very familiar. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) has the opportunity to make amends with the past.”
Lyla is someone with a lot of secrets herself. Her motivations for working with the Monitor are yet to be revealed, but a series of promos released by the CW show her in full costume as the Monitor’s Harbinger, telling heroes across the Multiverse that the Crisis has arrived. The Harbinger a role that’s been a longtime coming for fans of the comic — Lyla Michaels was introduced in the comics as Harbinger, after all. She is yet to don the costume on the show, but it’s only a matter of time.
With Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) and his team now knowing that Lyla has been working against them, it shouldn’t be long before he’s able to get some answers from her — as long as he survives what the Monitor has planned for him.
The next episode of ‘Arrow’ airs November 26, on the CW.