'Arrow' Episode 9: After the backdoor pilot, fans are now ready for 'Green Arrow & the Canaries'

Episode 9 of 'Arrow' served as a backdoor pilot for spinoff series 'Green Arrow & the Canaries', and if the first reactions are to be believed, fans are plenty excited about the new series that is to air.
While the Star City 2040 timeline was originally derided by the fans, the kids of the future being brought back to the present gave new life to 'Arrow' and fans were much more excited about the children of the future. Now, the new, altered, crime-free future of 2040 is under threat, and it is going to need heroes to save it. Mia Queen (Katherine McNamara), Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) and Dinah Drake (Julian Harkavy) are suiting up for the task.
Fan reactions to the episode have been quite enthusiastic. "I am so here for this team up. 3 badass women, killing the game," said a fan on Twitter. Another fan expressed her passion for a new series, tweeting to the actors, "Honestly, @Kat_McNamara @MzKatieCassidy and @JulianaHarkavy SLAY in this ep. This spin-off NEEDS to be picked up or I'll cry."
Mia Queen is a new person in this post-Crisis timeline, and the change seems to bring about an inner conflict that sits very well with fans. "THIS post-Crisis Mia is the Mia we should've had from the beginning!!" exulted this tweet.
Laurel Lance's snark has also been quite enjoyed, as she tells Mia what dating a version Oliver Queen was like back in the day. "Laurel: 'Do this mission and take it seriously.' Also Laurel: 'LET ME SNARK AT YOU THROUGH YOUR EARPIECE ABOUT YOUR DEAD FATHER WHILE YOU'RE TRYING TO COMPLETE THIS MISSION.'" one fan summarized.
This tweet perhaps sums up fans' feelings the best: "We've all hoped for a #BirdsOfPrey spin-off from Arrow ever since it started. And now, tonight, the Black Canary finally gets her chance to shine in #GreenArrowAndTheCanaries."
This spinoff has been a long time coming, and based on the reactions to the backdoor pilot, it is a worthy successor to 'Arrow' and fans can't wait for the spinoff to arrive.
In the meanwhile, the finale episode of 'Arrow' is set to air, bringing 8 seasons of the iconic series to a close on January 28, on The CW.