Are Mildred Bustillo and Tiff Der still together? 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love' couple's relationship becomes chaotic

TEXAS: While each couple in 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love' has their own problems to deal with, Mildred Bustillo (she/her) and Tiff Der's (they/them) problems may be too much for them to bear. During their two-year relationship, the couple acknowledged breaking up on a frequent basis. Did their relationship survive the reality show? Continue reading for more information.
While there's no disputing that love and relationships are difficult, things become much more challenging when the people involved aren't on the same page when it comes to creating a future together. This is evident in Netflix's 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love,' in which five couples strive to transcend their differences by diving deeply into what/whom they desire. Tiff and Mildred were among them, so if you want to discover more about them and their present situation, we have the information for you.

Tiff and Mildred’s journey on 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love'
Mildred from 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love' got what she was seeking when Tiff crept into her DMs after a difficult divorce from her marriage. Mildred offered an ultimatum on the Netflix series after two years of dating: "We either get engaged, or we're done." Despite their close bond, Tiff had serious misgivings about marriage due to their regular fighting and growing communication problems. Tiff and Mildred's relationship was still on the precarious ground as Ultimatum Day approached.
Mildred reconnected with Tiff when castmate Aussie Chau left their trial marriage early. Tiff had a change of heart on the final night of their trial marriage in Episode 8. "Coming into this experience, I wasn’t deeply thinking about marriage, and all of a sudden, now I actually am thinking about marriage with you," they remarked. When the subject of Mildred's previous marriage came up, Tiff said it was "very scary" because Mildred was "never in love with" her ex-wife but married her anyhow.
The talk degenerated into a fight, but the mother, whose son was 16 at the time of recording in late 2021, stood firm. "I know that right now I’m solid, and I know what I feel," Mildred added. "And if that’s something that is not enough for you, then maybe that means you’re not the person I need to marry."

Are Tiff and Mildred still together?
Though it's unclear if Tiff and Mildred got engaged in 'The Ultimatum's finale, hints imply they're not still together now. For starters, they don't follow each other on Instagram, and there are no images or other indications of them on their profiles.
Whether Mildred is currently single (she did mention a "date night" in January), she captioned an April Instagram snap, "Current status: Happy." The Long Beach, California-based Zumba teacher posted some strange social media statements after celebrating an unannounced business triumph in Puerto Rico the same month. On April 28, Mildred wrote, "Healing yourself can be offensive to people that benefited from your brokenness." Days later, she wrote in an Instagram caption, "I hustle harder when my feelings are hurt. You will never find me where you left me at..." Mildred remarked after the launch of 'The Ultimatum' in May that she was "eating [her] feelings" while viewing the final set of episodes.
Tiff, on the other hand, has been residing in San Diego, where they co-host the "unfiltered" weekly 'Fweebs Podcast' with Karina Gonzalez. Tiff shared an interesting Instagram caption of their own in November 2022. “This is the part where the smiles become more frequent, life tastes a bit more sweet, the sound of laughter plucks my heartstrings, and I can start to see bold colors of love and life spill onto a blank canvas — a new beginning having the freedom to create it the way I want,” Tiff noted. “Not because the world and circumstances around me have changed yet, but rather because I'm on my way by constantly changing the way I choose to look at them. I will manifest.”
After joking in February that they "always resort back" to their dog Shylo because "these streets ain't loyal," Tiff reflected on their Ultimatum experience. They posted a May cast photo from the Netflix Pride event, "What a crazy, once in a lifetime journey I've had with these folks!" "Lots of tears, more tears and even more tears. But lots of good memories as well! Some of us are close, others are cordial and some we want to run away from, BUT one thing we have in common is an intense eye and heart opening experience that no one else will understand!"
Tiff appears to be completely focused on their work as a personal coach these days, whilst Mildred is extending her wings as a mother, a Zumba teacher, and a traveler.
The final episodes of 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love' Season 1 will be released on June 7, 2023, on Netflix.