Anthony Cifuentes: San Bernardino thief, 31, who creepily stared at sleeping homeowners suspected of rape

CALIFORNIA, USA: Anthony Andrew Cifuentes, 31, was arrested by the police in April 2022 after he was caught in a video breaking into a home and staring at the victims. The police said that this incident took place back on February 22. Cifuentes held a piece of fabric over his face while standing in the middle of the room and searched through their belongings. Initially, during the time of the arrest, the police did not disclose the identity of the criminal due to an ongoing investigation into his other suspected crimes.
On Tuesday, July 5, the police confirmed that the perpetrator is linked to a sexual assault that happened in San Bernardino just a week before the caught-on-camera burglary. They came to this conclusion through the help of DNA evidence which is linked to that case. According to the Police Department, Cifuentes forcefully entered the victim's home and sexually assaulted her during her sleep. "Cifuentes gained entry into the victim's residence by forcing open a kitchen window and sexually assaulted her as she slept in her bed," a police spokesperson said.
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Due to the investigation, the police issued a warrant to search his house. They later found multiple pieces of evidence that linked him to both the break-in and the sexual assault. "Thanks to the outstanding work by our detectives, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department crime lab, and the San Bernardino County District Attorney's Office, Anthony Andrew Cifuentes has been identified and charged with rape, assault with attempt to commit rape, and burglary," the police department wrote.

The local authorities presented the case to San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, where they reviewed the evidence and then filed criminal charges against the brazen burglar. He has been charged with one count of rape, one count of assault with intent to commit rape and two counts of burglary. He has also a high chance of facing life imprisonment if he is found guilty of all the charges. The detectives, however, believe that there can be multiple other victims who have not been contacted. The Police Department is asking the residents to contact them if they suspect any crime or incident related to Cifuentes or if they were targeted by him in past. "Investigators believe that there could (sic) additional victims and are urging them to come forward and file a police report," police wrote.
Do you recall this post from April 27th? Thanks to the outstanding work by our detectives, the @sbcountysheriff crime lab, and the @sbcountyda , Anthony Andrew Cifuentes has been identified and charged with rape, assault with attempt to commit rape, and burglary…
— San Bernardino PD (@SanBernardinoPD) July 5, 2022
Anyone who has been targeted by Cidfuentes or has any information related to him was asked to call to call 909-384-5647 or 909-384-5640.