Anne Hathaway calls out the 'complicity of white women' in the passing of anti-abortion laws

Anne Hathaway has come out strongly against the rise of strong anti-abortion laws and has spoken about how these laws have a disproportionately adverse effect on the weaker sections of the society. She had put out her views on her latest Instagram post.
In her post, Hathaway wrote, "Yes the anti-abortion movement is primarily about controlling women’s bodies under the premise (for many, sincere) of saving lives, and yes this law is primarily the work of white men HOWEVER a white woman sponsored the bill and a white woman signed it into law. As we’re resisting, let us also call out the complicity of the white women who made this awful moment possible, and which–make no mistake–WILL lead to the unnecessary and avoidable deaths of women, a disproportionate number of whom will be poor and/or black. Speak up. Show up. Don’t give up."

She has pointed out what a lot of pro-choice activists have been saying for long that such laws have less to do with saving lives than about controlling women's bodies. This comes on the heels of the controversial Alabama near-total anti-abortion law which was recently passed and signed into law prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape and incest.
She was emphatic in pointing out that even though the law was primarily the work of men, a lot of women were complicit as well, especially white women.

Further, Hathaway speaks about the adverse effect such laws have on the women from the black community and those belonging to the poorer sections of the society as they are often left with even fewer choices with such acts being in place. The risks of having abortions illegally and through risky procedures means that they face greater health risks when compared to women who could get abortions legally and in hospitals.
At the end of the post, she has also called for people to rise up to the cause and be heard. She has invited people to speak their minds and to show up when needed. She has been supporting comprehensive abortion laws and has asked her followers to resist such laws and actions which have less to do with health and are more about practicing control over women's bodies.
Much of Hollywood has come out in protest of the spate of anti-abortion laws and 'fetal heartbeat bills' being passed in recent weeks. A-list musicians like Lady Gaga and Rihanna to Hollywood heavyweights like Kerry Washington, Reese Witherspoon and Jordan Peele have all expressed their outrage at the happenings. Actress Alyssa Milano — an outspoken political activist who has also been vocal in the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements had called for a sex strike after the news of the ban in Georgia spread. And actor Jason Bateman, who is starring in Netflix' “Ozark” and HBO's “The Outsider," which are currently filming in Georgia, said he will boycott Georgia if the “heartbeat bill” goes into effect.
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