Conservative pundit Ann Coulter slams 'Law & Order SVU' for portraying 'Trump supporting American males'

Conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter has a problem with NBC’s ‘Law & Order: Special Victims Unit’ (SVU) for she thinks the fresh episodes of the program focus on “sex traffickers, little boy rapists and women-hating mass shooters who are invariably Trump-supporting white American males”. She also lashed out at SVU producer Celine Robinson, a former writer who has authored the episodes that have storylines featuring American businessmen who take part in the trafficking of illegal immigrants.
"I had pointed out that sex traffickers of 9-year-old illegal alien girls — while prevalent in our new 'diverse' country — have never, ever, ever been what the show advertised: married white American businessmen,” Coulter, 58, wrote in a column for Townhall.

Robinson did not let Coulter go without a response. In a tweet, Robinson, who calls herself a “half French, queer, Jewish feminist”, said: "I could not be more proud that ann coulter hates an episode of TV that I wrote. Nothing makes my heart sing like a fuming racist all-capsing about the progressive messaging she cannot stop due to her eternal and total irrelevance.”
Only someone wearing MAGA hat is missing: Coulter
In her column, Coulter was ruthless in her words. Analyzing an episode from Season 20 of the program named 'Man Up/Man Down' in which “a blond, blue-eyed married American man anally rapes his teenaged sons when he takes them... hunting”, she said the only thing that was missing from the episode was the perpetrator wearing a MAGA hat. It’s anybody’s guess who she was targeting.
She then brought up a contrast to documented instances of rape in Afghanistan by Vice and Guardian and asked why the rape portrayed in the show focused squarely on white American males.
“With the major media actively covering up the crimes of immigrants, and big tech companies censoring people who point out the peculiarities of other cultures, there seems to be a major campaign on to prevent Americans from noticing,” she wrote.
Politically, Coulter has been a side changer. Once a big defender of President Donald Trump who wrote the 2016 book 'In Trump We Trust', Coulter turned into a big critic of his immigration policy and two months ago, she said she had given up on the Republican and was excited to see the Democratic candidates for the 2020 elections attacking billionaires that have “wrecked” the US.