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'Manopause': Look out for these 7 symptoms to find if your partner is going through male menopause

Some of the symptoms of male menopause or 'manopause' include a rise in stress and sometimes having performance anxiety
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(Representational photo/Getty Images)

Menopause literally means a stage of life when a woman permanently stops having menstrual periods. Female menopause and its symptoms are widely discussed including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and a reduced sex drive. However, now an expert has revealed that men can also go through the menopause stage, stating that 90 percent of males will experience a similar change in their mid-life. 

Dr Harghandiwal, of the Zen Clinic in Knightsbridge, told the Daily Mail that "he typically treats men over the age of 40 who have undergone hormonal changes, caused by a gradual drop in the sex hormone testosterone." Some of the symptoms of male menopause or 'manopause' include a rise in stress and feeling deflated in the bedroom. "They are tired, depressed, lack focus, their libido drops, they have erection problems. I tell the patient that 90 percent of us go through male menopause, which is testosterone deficiency, whether we like it or not," said Dr Harghandiwal.


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He also said that the reduction of testosterone hormone in men is linked to other factors including obesity, stress, the use of medication, and chronic diseases. The absence of these additional factors can result in most men retaining the same level of testosterone throughout their lives. Dr Harghandiwal also specified seven different symptoms that can help spot a man suffering from Andropause or male menopause. 

Mood swings and Irritability

Low testosterone can reportedly cause mood swings and irritability. Speaking to Everyday health, Edward Levitan, co-founder of Visions HealthCare in Wellesley, said: "Low testosterone is a major source of mental health issues in men. Cells in the brain have testosterone receptors that significantly affect mental health." It can also cause fatigue. 


Several scientific studies show that testosterone has strong links to mental health. While low testosterone is associated with depression, higher testosterone levels were found in men who had the least depression. Scientists also point out that other problems associated with a drop in testosterone, such as erectile dysfunction and weight gain, can also cause low self-esteem, which might lead to anxiety and depression. 

Loss of muscle mass

The testosterone hormone helps in the development of muscle bulk by increasing neurotransmitters, which stimulate tissue growth and makes it easier to build muscle through exercise. Thus, men with very low levels of testosterone experience lower bone density, which can cause bone fractures and breaks.

Developing a large belly or 'man boobs'

Testosterone is one of many factors that play a role in fat metabolism. The hormone helps men to burn fat more efficiently. However, if it falls, a man’s metabolism also slows down.

Lack of enthusiasm or energy

Higher testosterone boosts self-esteem and induces certain behaviors such as aggression and dominance. In contrast, lower testosterone can affect the levels of enthusiasm or confidence, resulting in the general system not working properly.


With testosterone levels dropping, the amount of cortisol, which is the body's primary stress hormone, increases. This can cause shorter sleep cycles and shallower sleep and eventually insomnia.

Poor concentration and short-term memory loss

Low testosterone levels result in neurotransmitters malfunctioning which can cause momentary reversals in memory. The testosterone level declining also causes a lack of concentration and energy. Men also experience a decline in cognitive thinking such as remembering, thinking, and reasoning.