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Andrew Yang slammed for saying Dems have lost touch with the working class: 'You're a buffoon and an a**hole'

Yang was discussing the results of the 2020 election and how the Democrats had lost a major number of seats in Congress
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Former Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang called out his own party on Thursday, November 5, saying they had lost touch with the working class. Following this, outraged liberals lashed out at him on social media. During an appearance on CNN, Yang was discussing the results of the 2020 election and how the Democrats had lost a major number of seats in Congress. The former entrepreneur explained that when he was a presidential candidate, working-class Americans would often flinch when he told them he was running as a Democrat.

"There's something deeply wrong when working-class Americans have that response to a major party that theoretically is supposed to be fighting for them, so you have to ask yourself what has the Democratic party been standing for in their minds?" Yang said.

"And in their minds, the Democratic party, unfortunately, has taken on this role of the coastal urban elites who are more concerned about policing various cultural issues than improving their way of life, that has been declining for years," he explained. "And so if you're in that situation, this to me is a fundamental problem for the Democratic party because if they don't figure this out, then this polarization and division will get worse, not better."

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"Is that real or messaging or both?" CNN host Don Lemon asked. "It's real, I mean (Democratic Rep) Debbie (Dingle) just said they lost a plant that had 1,500 workers, and so if you're a laid-off worker from that plant and you look up and say 'what is the Democratic party doing for me,' its unclear!" Yang said. "And we can talk about a unifying message from Joe Biden, he's a naturally very unifying figure," he continued. "But then there's the reality on the ground where their way of life has been disintegrating for years and if we don't address that then you're going to see a continued acceleration towards the institutional mistrust that animated the Trump vote and will continue to do so."

Yang's criticism of the Democratic party has been discussed by several political pundits and activists in the past, according to The Blaze. Nonetheless, some liberals on social media lashed out at him for speaking out against the party.

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"SHUT THE F**K UP ANDREW YANG THE WORKING CLASS IS WOMEN AND LATINOS AND BLACK PEOPLE AND QUEER PEOPLE WE ARE THE WORKING CLASS F**K YOU," writer Marcie Bianco tweeted. "If you say 'working class' your White supremacy is showing THE END," she added in a second tweet before making her account private.

"Andrew Yang is a clown and a buffoon who is here using antisemitic and homophobic tropes because (and this is true) he is also an a**hole," liberal commentator Noah Berlatsky added. "Hey, @AndrewYang ... you're from New York. You were a corporate lawyer then a dot-com profiteer. You /are/ the coastal urban elite," journalist David Perry wrote, before making his account private.

"Why doesn't Andrew Yang take some of his gigantic pile of money and do something useful with it instead of lecturing people about needing the votes of racist s**theads because of our garbage electoral system?" chemist Tim Dreier chimed in.