What is People of Praise? Amy Coney Barrett's church founder exercised ‘full control’ over female members

Shocking new details have emerged about the People of Praise church that has Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett as its member. According to a sworn affidavit filed in the 1990s, a woman named Cynthia Carnick stated that she witnessed the church's founder, Kevin Ranaghan, allegedly "exercise full control" over a female church member, making all her decisions, from finances to her love life. The documents, quoted by The Guardian, revealed Ranaghans exposed other adults and even their children to “sexual displays”. In one instance, Dorothy Ranaghan was seen “rocking” on top of Kevin Ranaghan in their TV room, albeit clothed. While Cynthia Carnick has refused to make any new statements, she says that she stands by the statements she made in the affidavit.
Her version of events was also supported by Colette Humphrey, a former member of the church, who reportedly lived with Kevin and Dorothy Ranaghan from 1973 to 1978. In her statement, she stated, “When I was part of the People of Praise I was in full life submission to Kevin Ranaghan, under full obedience to him and he exercised this authority over most areas of my life. For example, we were ‘in common’ financially, which meant that I had to hand over my paycheck to Kevin Ranaghan and he would decide on how that paycheck would be used. Kevin Ranaghan controlled my dating relationships, deciding who and when I should date.” A third woman, Susan Reynolds, who also lived in the Ranaghan household at one point, stated that she was “shocked” when she heard that Kevin Ranaghan sometimes showered with two of his daughters, who were ten or eleven at the time. Similarly, Carnick reportedly saw Dorothy Ranaghan tie the hands of her two daughters, aged 3 and 5 at the time, to a crib with a necktie.
Amy Coney Barrett's ties to controversial church could affect abortion law
In 2020, then-President Donald Trump had been vocal about having a list of candidates who he thought would be perfect to fill the Supreme Court vacancy. Among them was Amy Coney Barrett who bagged the position. But now, her church, The People of Praise, is under scrutiny for its treatment of women as a majority of the Supreme Court – including Barrett – appear poised to reverse Roe v Wade, the landmark 1973 ruling that made abortion legal across the US.
Barrett as well as her family are members of a controversial church. The church asks members to take a "lifetime loyalty 'covenant', encourages female submission to their husbands", as reported by Daily Mail. The church also inspired 'The Handmaid's Tale', a show that gained popularity when it first made its debut in 2017. The church was formed as part of the Catholic revitalization movement in 1971, and at least 10 members of Barrett's family are part of it. Barrett's father, Mike Coney, is part of the board of members of the church. They are believed to be the "highest authority".
What is People of Praise?
The website of the church calls itself "a charismatic Christian community. We admire the first Christians who were led by the Holy Spirit to form a community". Those early believers put their lives and their possessions in common, and "there were no needy persons among them". Each member of the church is allotted a "personal adviser" who helps them with the "decisions on marriage, career, and other life choices". Apart from this, the members are also asked to give out other information, such as sins committed by them, and their financial information. While they are being called advisors, previously these people were known as "heads" for males and "handmaids" for females. The outlet further reports that the church believes the husband has authority over his wife. While members of the church had to make a lifelong commitment, they were given time to think about their decision.
The website claims, "Community members make this pledge freely, after a formation and instruction period that lasts three to six years. The covenant is a permanent commitment, and yet we are also open to the possibility that God may call a person to another way of life". The members of the community also give "five per cent of their gross income" to the church, which is then used for supporting the community. At the same time, marriages within the members of the church are not uncommon.
The website claims that "marriages in the community have a very low divorce rate". At the same time, the members of the community are willing to be there for each other. "Spiritual, material or financial," any kind of their need is fulfilled by the other member. Despite agreeing to spend a lifetime in the community, their official website reveals that people have the freedom to walk out when they want.
"Yes. We have always understood that God can call a person to another way of life, in which case he or she would be released from the covenant," read the answer to the question if members can leave at any time. According to reports, the church is "strongly anti-abortion" and rejects homosexuality. "Both are seen as being accepted by human law, but rejected by divine law," a former member of the group had told Daily Mail.
Barrett’s affiliation to the church has previously drawn concern because of its anti-abortion stance. However, Barrett has said that her religious views, including her previous statements against Roe v Wade, will have no bearing on her role as a judge and will not affect her impartiality.