Nick Cannon dismisses Orlando Brown's oral sex claims, prays his mental health gets better

Orlando Brown recently appeared in a viral video claiming he allowed Nick Cannon to perform oral sex on him. The video was posted on The Shade Room and soon went viral, eventually prompting a response from Cannon.
But contrary to what most would have expected, Cannon turned the opportunity into a moment of dialogue and chose to talk about the "demonic" ways of the entertainment industry, specifically how it forces young, often highly talented stars into a life of addiction and inner turmoil.
Cannon also highlighted how detrimental this industry can be to a young celebrity's mental health, adding that he was "praying" for Brown to get better and hoped that the community would "embrace" the young star as opposed to shunning him in his time of need. Nick hinted on the possibility of Brown going through mental stress and maybe in need of help.

While many might be quick to take sides, Cannon's response does the perfect job of taking away from the drama of the situation and shining a spotlight on some very important topics, including how toxic Hollywood can often be and how many young artists are lost in the cogs of this ever-churning machine.
He stated, "this actually hurts my heart to see that we have allowed Orlando, along with various other young gifted performers we grew up loving, to just dwindle away after these corporations made their billions off of them."
"Now due to substance abuse and diagnosed psychiatric disorders, our loved ones are now aimlessly begging for the attention they were once given, instead of the help they actually need. All while we sit back and just laugh," Cannon added.
Cannon ended his response by calling out media outlets who posted Brown's video, adding that he was holding them accountable.

From famous celebrities such as Judy Garland to infamous groups like the 27 Club, Hollywood's ability to break talented performers and force them to spiral down a dark path is not only well-known, it is often encouraged by people who are all too quick to judge for the sake of entertainment.
In a world where most would be quick to attack all parties in the situation, Cannon's measured response to Brown's claims comes as a refreshing change.