'America's Got Talent' season 14: Four magicians who left the audience and the judges spellbound with their magnificent tricks

"You're on AGT, and magic is king." Howie Mandel said on America's Got Talent season 14 when Eric Chen auditioned. And without a doubt, Mandel was right. Over the years we've seen different magicians like Shin Lim who won 'America's Got Talent' season 13 grace the AGT stage.
Back again for season 14, there have been quite a few magicians who auditioned and left the judges and audience stunned. With five successful weeks of AGT completed, we have witnessed great acts ranging from singers, musicians, dancers, comedians and of course, magicians.
While we still have a few more days to go before the series airs with its next episode, here is a list of magicians who auditioned this season and managed to impress the judges and viewers alike with their precision and skill.
Eric Chen
The first magician to audition this season was Eric Chen and after taking a look at his tricks, it will leave you wondering if he might be the best magician yet on AGT. With the bar set high for magicians, it is not easy for someone to make it till the live shows, but it looks like Chen has it covered, since he is clearly one among the front runners this season. Auditioning he gave his own spin and story to his card tricks, which might just make him a great magician like Shin Lim. His illusion left everyone open-mouthed.
Dom Chambers
We have seen magicians perform tricks with cards, ribbons, etc... but for the first time, we witnessed a magician who wowed everyone with beer. Yes, you read that right, Beer and coasters! Revealing that the worst gig he's ever done was at a funeral Chambers began his tricks using coasters, and while Simon Cowell didn't seem too impressed at first, he grew more curious once Chambers started his tricks with beer. He even managed to make a bottle of wine appear out of thin air. Chambers even made beer magically appear in his shoes and poured it into a glass and drank it.
Chen's magic card trick was using illusions, Sos another magician who auditioned on AGT, used the same prop - cards - but he made them appear out of thin air and disappear. Sos is not the first member of his family to audition on the series, his parents also appeared on the series on season 11 and made it till the live shows. Starting off with plain white cards, he made them appear and disappear into thin air, and made a regular deck of cards change into miniature ones and then made a giant set of cards appear from thin air again. The judges called his act unique and something that they had never seen on the show till date. With Chen and Sos both being magicians with card tricks it is going to be interesting to see who makes it all the way.
Nick Wallace
So far, we've witnessed card tricks, illusions and tricks with alcohol and coasters. Nick Wallace was completely different from the other magicians who auditioned this season. Attempting to contact the other side using his tricks, Wallace creeped out the judges, especially Gabrielle Union after he brought her up on stage to help with the act. He asked Gabrielle to make movements based on feeling and her movements matched the same ones he was making with the doll in his hands. His act had everyone sitting at the edge of their seat. After his performance, Cowell called him creepy as a compliment.
'America's Got Talent' season 14 airs every Tuesday night on NBC. Check your local listings for more information.