'American Ninja Warrior' sees 42-year-old Sandy Zimmerman create history as the first mom to hit the buzzer

Sandy Zimmerman created history on 'American Ninja Warrior' when the series aired on Monday, June 24, night. The show has been on the air for years, and each season there are exceptional moments and milestones being set. But on June 24 when the series aired with its Seattle/Tacoma City qualifiers episode, a 42-year-old mother-of-three set an impressive and inspirational milestone that no one else has done till date.
Zimmerman made history not only as the first woman to complete the course this season but also as the first mother to have ever climbed the warped wall and hit the buzzer.
Athletics is nothing new for 42-year-old Zimmerman. Apart from being a mother of three kids, Zimmerman is also a physical education teacher in her hometown of Spokane, Washington. She has an athletic résumé that includes a judo championship and college basketball at Gonzaga.
During her run at the course, Zimmerman cruised through obstacles confidently including the barrel roll, the broken bridge, the lightning bolts and the famous warped wall. When she reached the warped wall, Zimmerman didn't make it through in the first try.
With two more chances remaining and her family cheering for her, Zimmerman made her second attempt at the warped wall and succeeded with ease. She even removed one hand from the border to cheer herself on and pulled herself up and hit the buzzer, making history as the first mother to ever do so.
Seeing Zimmerman successfully complete the course, the crowd and her family went wild cheering for her. Fans on Twitter also went wild with happiness and shared their love and congratulations for the 42-year-old mom.
"Way to go #SandyZimmerman on #AmericanNinjaWarrior!!! You did it for all the moms!!!" wrote a fan on Twitter. Another fan said, "Sandy, you just made HERstory!"
"I'm watching the show and as a mom who made big mistakes starting my dreams too late, I am such a Sandy Zimmerman fan! It was exhilarating to see her hit the buzzer at 42 and mom of 3! Go Z go!" said another fan.
Another fan said, "Woman number 10 and the 1st Mom to complete an Obstacle Course in #AmericanNinjaWarrior history goes to Sandy Zimmerman!"
'American Ninja Warrior' season 11 airs every Monday night on NBC. Check your local listings for more information.