Alec Baldwin in fight to save sick, obese black bear held in concrete enclosure at Pennsylvania Sports Club

Veteran Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin has been an ardent vocalist for animal welfare issues for quite some time now. The 'Heaven's Prisoners' star has been advocating for animal rights through his long-standing association with PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) with issues surrounding the ill-treatment of circus animals and of those kept in enclosures under unhygienic conditions.
Now, Baldwin has come to the support of 'Dillan', a black bear who has been battling deteriorating health while being kept in a concrete enclosure at the Union County Sportsmen's Club and Wildlife Sanctuary, situated in Millmount, Pennsylvania.
In a follow-up letter to Tom Wolf, Governor of Pennsylvania, dated January 14, 2020, the actor has urged the official to help transfer Dillan from his current home to 'The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado', where he could be tended to with adequate veterinary help. The 61-year-old artist has also drawn attention towards USDA's (United States Department of Agriculture) report, released after two inspections, that there is gross negligence on the part of authorities towards Dillan's health. According to the report, Dillan is suffering from a painful dental disease, arthritis, morbid obesity and is also displaying signs of severe psychological distress. Baldwin has also asked Wolf to hold the wildlife facility (Union County Sportsmen's Club and Wildlife Sanctuary) accountable for this mistreatment. The facility houses several other animals as well. Baldwin had written to the Governor earlier as well, appealing in support of Dillan in September 2019.
Recently, Baldwin had released an eye-opening video titled 'Boycott Circuses that Use Animals', highlighting the abuse that animals go through while they are held captive by circus productions. In June 2019, Baldwin condemned the use of dolphins as surfboards by 'SeaWorld' by slamming them with a letter beginning with "My name is Alec Baldwin and I have a question on behalf of PETA."
The actor had joined in the heels of a similar boycott being voiced from Canada for the welfare of dolphins.