Man DIES after drinking entire bottle of Jagermeister in two minutes for extreme drinking competition

An unnamed man in his twenties died after downing a whole bottle of Jagermeister in under two minutes. He was taking part in a drinking competition in Limpopo province in South Africa, when he collapsed.
As per Limpopo Police spokesperson Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo, the extreme drinking contest dared patrons to consume an entire bottle of Jagermeister, within a specified time, for a cash prize of R200, aka $11.76. "One of them immediately collapsed thereafter and was taken to the local clinic, where he was certified dead," said Mojapelo.
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A 23 years old man from Mashamba village in Venda collapsed and later died after consuming 1 bottle of jagermeister.
— MokupiPogisho👁️ (@MokupiPogisho) July 11, 2022
According to Sowetan Live, the incident took place at one of the local liquor outlets in Mashamba village. The police in Waterval, outside Louis Trichardt in Limpopo, has opened an inquest into the death of the man. One tweet describing the incident says, "A 23 years old man from Mashamba village in Venda collapsed and later died after consuming 1 bottle of Jagermeister."
Jackie Ballard, who is the chief executive of Alcohol Concern, told Huffington Post, "People need to remember that alcohol is a toxin and can have life-threatening and immediate effects if consumed in a large amount at once. These challenges and fads show just how hard we have to work to warn people of the dangers of binge drinking."
Elaine Hindal, chief executive at alcohol education charity Drinkaware added, "Your body can only process one unit of alcohol an hour, and less in some people. Drink a lot in a short space of time and the amount of alcohol in the blood can stop the body from working properly."
Another specialist, Dr Helen Webberley said, "The current 'binge drinking' culture is already bad enough with people downing bottles of wine before they start their night out, without now daring each other to do the same with spirits, which can be very strong. This is very dangerous for acute liver toxicity and alcohol poisoning, and then there is the worry of long-term liver damage." She added, "Acute alcoholic hepatitis can be very nasty and fatal, and long-term complications of alcohol abuse can be irreversible and ultimately result in a painful death. No one should take this risk for a few likes on social media."
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Do you know how alcohol affects the brain?
— Alcohol Change UK (@AlcoholChangeUK) July 10, 2022
From dementia to the impacts on mental health, learn more about alcohol and the brain here:
"When you drink alcohol, it goes straight into your bloodstream and is carried to the brain. Vision can blur, coordination decreases, and memory is impaired," said Martin Preston, founder and chief executive at rehab retreat Delamere. "Binge drinking can also cause people to black out. This is because the increase in the amount of alcohol in your brain can mean that you stop forming new memories. The risk of blacking out also becomes further heightened when a person binge drinks without eating anything first," he told Mirror.