'Alaskan Bush People': Noah and Joshua have a difference of opinion as they team up to create a water supply system
Noah and Joshua Brown (Bam Bam) got together to make the water supply system a reality. As the family thinks about making a ranch for everyone to live on, they realized that this would be a distant dream unless they understood how they could bring water to all the houses that are being planned to be built.
Luckily, Billy Brown had a plan in mind. He decided that the problem could be solved if they made a water supply system from scratch. He assigned Bam Bam and Noah the task of getting the technical work in place while giving the task of dismantling a windmill to Bear, Gabe, Rain, and Bird.
To make things simpler for Noah and Bam Bam, Billy provided them with a blueprint of the water supply system by drawing it on a napkin. The two analyzed the blueprint carefully and didn't waste a second getting to work.
Noah had always been the brains behind construction as he would often think of ways in which different parts of a tool could be used to make something meaningful. It wasn't a surprise that he was given the task of building a water supply system using the parts of the windmill.
Bam and Noah knew that it is important to have a strong foundation and to make it a reality, the two worked together. Noah joked that he was finally getting some workout done because ever since he became a dad he hadn't got much time to exercise.
Bam didn't like that Noah was using the excuse of his baby to get off working out. Noah, on the other hand, thought that Bam was jealous and would often call him out for things that he didn't believe made much of a difference.
The two experienced a little awkward moment between each other as the topic soon diverted. Noah then decided to make a cement mixer to make things easier. However, Bam believed that it would be best to stick to traditional methods.
"Bam doesn't think that the cement maker is worth the time it takes," Noah said. "I believe he is drastically incorrect. I am pretty sure that the reason Bam doesn't like the idea about the mixer is that he doesn't have the imagination to come up with one or the skills necessary to create one."
Despite their differences, the pair was able to come back on the same page when it was time to even out the cement. Bam admitted that the cement mixer was not a bad idea and the two soon got to finishing the task before the rest of the siblings arrived with the parts of the windmill.
'Alaskan Bush People' airs on Wednesdays at 8 pm ET/PT on Discovery Channel.