Alaska father and teen son hunt and kill hibernating mother bear and two newborn cubs at point-blank range
41-year-old Andrew Renner and his son, 18-year-old Owen Renner both pleaded guilty to their multiple misdemeanor charges

An Alaskan man and his 18-year-old son were given jail sentences for the illegal killing of a hibernating mother black bear and her two cubs, the whole act being caught on a research camera set up as part of a study by the US Forest Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game.
According to the Daily Mail, 41-year-old Andrew Renner and his son, Owen Renner, both pleaded to their multiple misdemeanor charges including unlawful take of a female bear with cubs, unlawful take of bear cubs, and the possession and transportation of illegally taken game.
Owen was sentenced to 30 days of suspended time, had his hunting license suspended for two years, and was ordered to perform community service and also take a hunters' safety course.