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Busy Philipps thanks abortion she had at 15 for professional success: 'I was allowed to have bodily autonomy'

The actor and host was slammed by slammed by pro-life commentators, who said Philipps' vision of abortion was "profoundly saddening" and that "women deserve better"
UPDATED MAR 19, 2020
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(Getty Images)

Actress and TV show host Busy Philipps, known for her vocal pro-choice stance, told a rally in Washington DC that she owes her current success to having an abortion while she was still a teenager.

Phillips made the controversial comments while speaking at a pro-choice protest held by the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) outside the US Supreme Court building on Wednesday, March 4, which attracted several notable Hollywood personalities and lawmakers, including Elizabeth Banks, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

"There I was sitting in Los Angeles in my beautiful office of my own late-night talk show," she said. "Soon I would be driving my hybrid car to my beautiful f****** home to kiss my two beautiful and healthy children and my husband, who had taken the year off to parent so I could focus on my career. And I have all of this, all of it because I was allowed to have bodily autonomy at 15."

"I will never stop talking about my abortion, or my periods, or my experiences in childbirth, my episiotomies, my yeast infections, or my ovulation that lines up with the moon."

Phillips' declaration came after described her reaction to hearing that a 14-year-old was "being denied abortion services" in Ohio and said, "Strangers and their own personal beliefs were going to keep this little girl from living the life she was dreaming of."

She added that "smug politicians were controlling a 14-year-old girl's body and future."

The remarks were slammed by pro-life commentators, who said Philipps' vision of abortion was "profoundly saddening" and that "women deserve better."

"Our freedom and happiness can never be bought with the blood of our children," Live Action President Lila Rose told Fox News.  "Mother Theresa said it best: 'Abortion is anti-woman. Three-quarters of its victims are women: half the babies and all the mothers,'" said Jeanne Mancini, who leads for March for Life.

"Numerous groups exist to help a woman suffering from having taken the life of her unborn child. There is always hope and healing for anyone caught in the darkness, anger, agitation, and depression of abortion," she continued. 

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said it was a "tragedy" that Philipps felt "she and her child were in conflict for hope and a future" and that "women deserve better" because "the abortion industry undermines women’s confidence and sells them short before selling them an abortion."

Philipps was backed by Pressley and Tlaib, as well as Renee Bracey Sherman, the self-styled "Queen of All Abortions."

"I had an abortion when I was 19," Sherman similarly told the rally. "t was honestly one of the best decisions of my life; I was simply not ready to be a parent, and that’s really all you need to need to know!"