Who is Abigail Shapiro? Ben Shapiro's sister says she was 'not prepared emotionally' for sudden miscarriage

Abigail 'Abby' Shapiro, the sister of conservative columnist Ben Shapiro, recently opened up about her miscarriage on YouTube in an emotional video. The video clip was tweeted by her brother Ben Shapiro, who called it "devastating and important."
"If you lost your unborn baby, you're not alone," Abby wrote in a caption to a tweet where she posted her YouTube video titled, "I had a miscarriage." She began the video by explaining why she had decided to open up about her experience. "For some women, this can feel really lonely. And it can feel like it was your fault. And I don't want anyone to feel that way," she said, adding that she considered herself lucky because she was surrounded by friends and family at this time and her husband has been extremely supportive of her during this trying time. She also acknowledged that there were family members of hers who had gone through similar experiences as her.
Devastating and important. Prayers for my sister and her husband. https://t.co/Y9SsWnT2na
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) May 3, 2021
If you lost your unborn baby, you're not alone. https://t.co/QK0OfHrx0J
— Classically Abby (@classicallyabby) May 3, 2021
Abigail's miscarriage
Abby went onto share some very personal details about her miscarriage. "We lost our baby at 12 weeks. It was actually at 10 weeks that the baby stopped growing. And at 12 weeks we found out because they did not have ultrasounds every week."
She revealed that they had "seen the heartbeat," adding, "I knew that the miscarriage rate dropped once you've seen your baby's heartbeat and so I wasn't afraid. So when I did have a miscarriage, it felt like it came out of the left field and I was so not prepared emotionally for that... It was really hard... Thank God, I was with my whole family for Passover... it meant I had a ton of support."
As for the grieving process, Abby said that she had understood that it was not a methodic straight line. "It comes in waves. I've been okay for a few days and then I am crying one night. And then I wake up the next day and I am crying the next day. It just seems to come out of nowhere. It's not linear," she said "I consider myself a mom even though I never got to meet my baby," Abby said, as she got emotional. She took a pause to wipe away a tear before continuing. "Jacob considers himself a father even though this happened. And one of the hard things for me has been the understanding that this baby couldn't have survived. It stopped growing on its own." She stressed the fact that women should not feel like it's their fault after they go through such an unfortunate experience in their life and that they take time to grieve the same in their own way.
Who is Abigail Shapiro?
Abigail is an opera singer and a popular YouTuber. Her channel, "Classically Abby" has 93.3K subscribers on the video-streaming platform. When it comes to the kind of content on her website, Abigail follows in her brother Ben’s political footsteps as many of her videos include her talking about being part of the conservative party.
Abigail has been subjected to online anti-Semitic trolling due to her brother’s high public profile and his knack for making controversial statements. Despite all that, she is still quite close to her brother. Abby even introduced Ben and his wife to each other and the pair got married in 2008. Abigail is married to Jacob Roth, who works as a staff attorney at Young America's Foundation in Reston, Virginia.
Twitter reacts
After Ben Shapiro shared sister Abigail's tweet about her miscarriage on his Twitter page, with the caption, "Devastating and important. Prayers for my sister and her husband," comments started pouring in, most of them offering condolences for Abby and also condemning hate comments from people who did not support Ben's political views.
"I wish your sister and her husband the best - they will get through this. As for the individuals who are taking this moment to make disparaging remarks and invoke negative sentiments towards Ben and his family, you should be ashamed and embarrassed of the type of people you are," one of them wrote, while another said, "I don’t agree with a lot of Shapiro, but this shouldn’t be made in to a knock on him or his family. In my own experience, a miscarriage is beyond devastating for both the mother and the father. My condolences to both."
A third commented, "@classicallyabby I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers during your grieving. My wife and I miscarried our first in 2014 and it’s so hard. There is space here to be sad and angry." Another remarked, "So sorry this tragedy happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister's family." One more quipped, "I think every compassionate human should be wishing you and your sisters family all the best and condolences."
I wish your sister and her husband the best - they will get through this 🙏.As for the individuals who are taking this moment to make disparaging remarks and invoke negative sentiments towards Ben and his family, you should be ashamed and embarrassed of the type of people you are
— Joe Ringuette (@Joe_Ringuette) May 3, 2021
I don’t agree with a lot of Shapiro, but this shouldn’t be made in to a knock on him or his family. In my own experience, a miscarriage is beyond devastating for both the mother and the father. My condolences to both
— Seth Olloqui (@SethOlloqui) May 3, 2021
@classicallyabby I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers during your grieving. My wife and I miscarried our first in 2014 and it’s so hard. There is space here to be sad and angry.
— Brenden “Bodie” Davison (@SpartanBodie) May 3, 2021
So sorry this tragedy happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister's family.
— Brian Clement (@BrianCl07316824) May 3, 2021
I think every compassionate human should be wishing you and your sisters family all the best and condolences.
— Nicholas King (@Coolriree) May 3, 2021