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'A Very Vermont Christmas' Ending Explained: Does Joy save Mogul Joe's?

Mogul Joe's secret recipe gets leaked to their rivals, owned by Joy's ex-boyfriend, in 'A Very Vermont Christmas'
UPDATED JUL 21, 2024
Joy and Zac get their happy ending after a misunderstanding in 'A Very Vermont Christmas' (@hallmark)
Joy and Zac get their happy ending after a misunderstanding in 'A Very Vermont Christmas' (@hallmark)

Contains spoilers for 'A Very Vermont Christmas'

VERMONT, NEW ENGLAND: 'A Very Vermont Christmas' premiered on Hallmark on July 20, 2024. The cheerful holiday season movie is about an enigmatic Joy Keogh (Katie Leclerc) who tries to save her father's pub Mogul Joe's after his death, and her final chance to do so is a Holiday IPA. 

The film also features a subplot of Joy falling in love with Zac Chase (Ryan McPartlin) who works in Scholtz Beer, a distributor for Mogul Joe's competition Frosty's. To make matters worse, Frosty's is owned by Joy's ex-boyfriend Greg Haris (John Forest) who hasn't gotten over the breakup. 

Mogul Joe's holiday IPA enrolls for a Brew-ski competition organized by Scholtz Beer, offering them a chance to get the pub up and running again. 

Mogul Joe's secret recipe gets stolen in 'A Very Vermont Christmas'

'A Very Vermont Christmas' tells the story of Joy who wants to save her father's pub in Vermont (Youtube/@hallmark)
'A Very Vermont Christmas' tells the story of Joy who wants to save her father's pub (Youtube/@hallmark)

Just when things seem to be going right for Joy and Zac. Frosty's releases a holiday IPA called Seasonal Spice from Scholtz Beer that tastes exactly like their craft beer.

Joy suspects Zac's involvement as he is the only one who knows the secret ingredient and also works at Scholtz. Kevin (Ivan Cecil Walks) goes to Frosty's and even spots Zac trying out the IPA. Kevin smuggles the beer to do more investigation.

The incident drives a wedge between Zac and Joy while Zac tries his best to prove his innocence and talks to his boss about the stolen ingredient who ignores it due to business benefits. 

Zac asks his boss to review the tastes of the two beers and also gives his resignation. 

Greg was the one who stole the recipe in 'A Very Vermont Christmas'

A still from 'A Very Vermont Christmas' (@hallmark)
A still from 'A Very Vermont Christmas' (@hallmark)

Joy plays a clever trick where she traps Greg into acknowledging that he was the one who stole the secret recipe. She realizes that she was wrong to doubt Zac and seeks forgiveness. 

She tries to search for Zac to apologize to him and finally meets him at the ski competition where she turns up late. She meets Zac and his father and the couple gets back together as they wait for the results of the Brew-ski competition  

Once the competition results are announced, Scholtz withdraws their IPA in good faith as there is a question of recipe theft and that makes Mogul Joe's IPA the winner of the competition. Joy dedicates the award to her father. 

Donations pour in for Mogul's Joe

'A Very Vermont Christmas' is the story of a girl named Joy trying to save her pub Mogul
s Joe (@hallmark)
Katie Leclerc in a still from 'A Very Vermont Christmas' (@hallmark)

While Joy and her mother Mary Keogh (Joanna Herrington) run out of ideas to save the pub, Kevin has been secretly working on reaching out to customers who have been at the pub. 

At the beginning of the movie, it is established that Joy's father used to treat his customers like family and it all comes back to them in a beautiful moment where people from all over the world who have been at the pub send in generous donations that would go a long way in saving the pub.

The movie ends with Zac and Joy's family getting together and Joy forgiving Greg for everything he had done to put their pub's survival in jeopardy, ending the movie with a message of forgiveness.

'A Very Vermont Christmas' premiered on Hallmark on July 20, 2024