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A look at 'Bridgerton' Season 3's steamiest moments: From thet 6-minute romp to racy threesome

With streamy scenes season three of 'Bridgerton' turns up the heat
UPDATED JUN 14, 2024
Here's the passion of 'Bridgerton' Season 3 with its most unforgettable and steamy scenes (@netflix)
Here's the passion of 'Bridgerton' Season 3 with its most unforgettable and steamy scenes (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'Bridgerton' Season 3

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The third season of Netflix's hit show 'Bridgerton' has once again captivated audiences with its blend of romance and drama set against the opulent backdrop of Regency-era England.

This season, adapted from Julia Quinn's novel 'Romancing Mr. Bridgerton', shines a spotlight on Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) and Colin Bridgerton (Luke Newton) as their friendship blossoms into a complicated romance.

In anticipation of what's to come, we take a tantalizing look at the steamiest moments from the first episodes of 'Bridgerton's' newest season. From an intense six-minute sex scene to a racy threesome, these scenes have set pulses racing and fans buzzing.

Here's a closer look at the moments that have defined the season's heat and passion.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 1: Anthony and Kate's romance post married life

Anthony and Kate navigate married life with passion and purpose, balancing love and family duties (@netflix)
Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma navigate married life with passion and purpose, balancing love and family duties (@netflix)

After a tension-filled Season 2 ended with Anthony Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey) and Kate Sharma (Simone Ashley) getting married, the first episode of 'Bridgerton' Season 3 presents the couple blissfully in love. As they plan to help Francesca Bridgerton navigate the pool of suitable bachelors and manage the Bridgerton family's affairs, their chemistry remains palpable.

Kate suggests to Anthony that they prioritize making an heir to the Bridgerton fortune, and they take their new responsibilities very seriously. Fans of the couple's relationship will be delighted to know that Anthony and Kate are very much present in Season 3, bringing a deeper layer of romance and commitment to their story.

Their scenes are filled with tender moments and passionate exchanges, showcasing their intense bond as they embrace their roles as Viscount and Viscountess.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 2: Penelope and Colin's first kiss

A heartfelt kiss ignites sparks between Penelope and Colin, setting the stage for a blossoming romance (@netflix)
A heartfelt kiss ignites sparks between Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton, setting the stage for a blossoming romance (@netflix)

The long-awaited moment between Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington finally arrives in the second episode. After reconciling as friends, Colin agrees to help Penelope find a suitor. Penelope, feeling the weight of her unfulfilled romantic desires, asks Colin to kiss her.

Despite knowing the societal disapproval they might face, Colin consents, leading to a passionate kiss that goes further than either anticipated. Penelope, overwhelmed, thanks him and quickly retreats inside, leaving Colin outside to fantasize about the potential of their relationship.

This moment is a turning point, igniting the spark that has been building between them for seasons and setting the stage for their evolving romance.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 3: Colin Bridgerton's dream

Colin's dream reveals his deep feelings for Penelope, pushing him to confront his desires (@netflix)
Colin Bridgerton's dream reveals his deep feelings for Penelope Featherington, pushing him to confront his desires (@netflix)

Episode three delves into Colin Bridgerton's inner turmoil as he dreams about confessing his feelings to Penelope. In his dream, he passionately tells her that he has been unable to sleep or eat, consumed by thoughts of their kiss.

They share a heated kiss in the Featherington family's garden, revealing the depth of their mutual feelings. Upon waking, Colin realizes the intensity of his unresolved emotions for Penelope. This dream sequence highlights his growing romantic frustration and his desperate longing for Penelope, pushing him to confront his feelings and the barriers that stand between them.

The scene underscores the emotional complexity of Colin's character and his deepening love for Penelope.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 4: Penelope and Colin's carriage scene

Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton in 'Bridgerton' (@netflix)
A dramatic carriage confrontation leads to Colin Bridgerton's heartfelt confession of love for Penelope Featherington (@netflix)

The first part of Season 3 culminates in a dramatic scene where Colin interrupts Penelope's carriage after her failed attempt to secure a proposal from Lord Debling. A distressed Penelope confronts Colin, assuming he has no feelings for her.

This prompts Colin to finally admit his love in a heartfelt monologue, confessing his inability to stop thinking about her and their kiss. The iconic exchange ends with Colin proposing to Penelope, as their nearly consummated affections in the carriage intensify the scene.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 5: Colin and Penelope’s 'the mirror scene'

Colin and Penelope's first intimate encounter in front of a mirror captures their deep connection and passion (@netflix)
Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington's first intimate encounter in front of a mirror captures their deep connection and passion (@netflix)

In one of the most memorable moments of 'Bridgerton' Season 3, Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington share their first sexual encounter in front of a large, ornate mirror. The scene begins with a charged atmosphere as Colin gently guides Penelope to the mirror, their reflections capturing every nuance of their burgeoning intimacy.

As they undress, their eyes lock through the mirror, creating an electrifying connection that intensifies the moment. The camera artfully shifts between their reflections and close-ups of their faces, highlighting their mix of nervous anticipation and deep desire. Colin’s touch is both tender and passionate, reassuring Penelope as he explores her body for the first time. Soft whispers of affection and admiration enhance the intimacy, making the scene both steamy and heartfelt.

The mirror adds a unique dimension, allowing them to see their shared experience from a new perspective. As their passion crescendos, the reflections capture their synchronized movements and emotional connection. The scene concludes with them entwined in a loving embrace, their reflections a testament to their deep bond and the transformative nature of their first intimate encounter.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 8: Benedict explores his sexuality

Benedict's intimate threesome with Lady Tilley and Paul Suarez explores his complex sexuality (@netflix)
Benedict Bridgerton's threesome with Lady Tilley and Paul Suarez explores his complex sexuality (@netflix)

In 'Bridgerton' Season 3, Episode 8, at the 12-minute mark, viewers witness one of the most intimate threesomes in the series. Benedict Bridgerton (Luke Thompson) explores his sexuality with Lady Tilley (Hannah New) and her friend, Paul Suarez (Lucas Aurelio), in a titillating and revealing scene. The encounter begins with a charged atmosphere as Benedict finds himself drawn to both Tilley and Paul.

The camera captures the trio's exploration with sensitivity and artistry, emphasizing the genuine connections between them. As they undress and engage, the scene balances passion with emotional depth, highlighting Benedict's journey of self-discovery. The interactions are both steamy and tender, showcasing the characters' vulnerabilities and desires.

This moment marks a significant exploration of Benedict's character, adding complexity to his storyline and reflecting the series' commitment to diverse and nuanced portrayals of love and sexuality. The scene stands out for its emotional resonance and daring portrayal of a multifaceted romantic experience.

'Bridgerton' Season 3 Episode 8: Penelope and Colin wrap up season three

Penelope takes charge in a steamy finale, showcasing her transformation and deep bond with Colin (@netflix)
Penelope Featherington takes charge in a steamy finale, showcasing her transformation and deep bond with Colin (@netflix)

No season of 'Bridgerton' is complete without an epic scene accompanied by a Lady Whistledown monologue. In the climactic finale episode, just around the one-hour mark, Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton share a steamy and empowering moment.

Penelope, now confident and assured, takes charge, showcasing her newfound independence and strength. The scene is both passionate and tender, highlighting the deep emotional and physical connection between the pair.

As they move together, Lady Whistledown's voiceover provides a fitting commentary on Penelope's transformation from an inexperienced woman to a self-assured lover. The camera captures the intensity of their union, blending steamy visuals with poetic narration, creating a memorable and impactful ending to the season.

This powerful scene not only solidifies Penelope and Colin's relationship but also sets the stage for future developments. Until next season, dear readers, the story leaves us eagerly anticipating what comes next.

How to stream 'Bridgerton'?

'Bridgerton' is exclusively made for Netflix. All episodes of Season 1 and 2, along with four episodes of Season 3 are available to watch on the OTT giant.

The remaining episodes of Season 3 are scheduled to release on June 13, 2024.

'Bridgerton' Season 3: Part 2 trailer