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'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Episode 5 Takeaway: Pip nears the truth, but is the investigation over?

Pip puts herself in danger yet again to unveil the identity of Andie Bell's real killer in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder'
Pip Fitz-Amobi makes a major breakthrough in Andie Bell's case in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Episode 5 (@netflix)
Pip Fitz-Amobi makes a major breakthrough in Andie Bell's case in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Episode 5 (@netflix)

Contains spoilers for 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder'

LONDON, ENGLAND: Netflix's latest mystery series, 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' has us fully invested in its thrilling whodunit plot.

The six-episodic series centers on Pip Fitz-Amobi (Emma Myers) investigating the five-year-old case of Andie Bell's (India Lillie Davies) disappearance and alleged murder to which her boyfriend, Sal Singh (Rahul Pattni), confessed before killing himself.

After interviewing Sal and Andie's friends and digging evidences, Pip inches closer to the truth in Episode 5.

Pip Fitz-Amobi traces a suspect in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Episode 5

Mathew Baynton as Elliot Ward in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Mathew Baynton as Elliot Ward in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Remember in Episode 4, Pip noted down a mobile number that she retrieved from the hotel's entry logs. The number belonged to Andie's secret older lover, and it was unreachable when Pip dialed it.

In Episode 5, Pip surprisingly receives a call from the same number, and it is Naomi Ward (Yasmin Al-Khudhairi) on the line. It turns out that the number belongs to her father, Elliot Ward (Mathew Baynton), who is also Pip's teacher at school.

Pip is now convinced that Elliot killed Andie and he has now been secretly threatening her to drop the investigation. To gather the evidence, she leaves her phone in his car to trace where he is headed.

This leads Pip to Elliot's old house which everyone believed he had sold years ago.

Has Pip found Andie Bell's killer in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' Episode 5?

Emma Myers as Pippa (Pip) Fitz-Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Emma Myers as Pippa (Pip) Fitz-Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

During a confrontation, Elliot confesses that he had an affair with Andie. Later, Andie was blackmailing him for money and when she got wild, he pushed her, causing her an injury.

Elliot's statement matches the opening scene of the series where we saw Andie walking on the road with a brutal injury on the back of her head.

However, Elliot claims that he didn't kill Andie, and we believe him. Although an argument left Andie brutally injured, she was very much alive when she left his house.

This means someone else got to her afterward. Or maybe, she isn't dead after all and disappeared intentionally. Desperately in need of money and possibly being pursued by someone, she might have vanished to save herself.

However, this doesn't mean that Elliot is innocent. He was physically involved with his student despite knowing that she was underage, which counts as rape.

Moreover, the final montage of Episode 5 reveals that he has been holding a young girl captive in his old house, exposing that he isn't the ideal citizen he portrays himself to be.

While Elliot is surely going to prison for whatever he did, we believe that Pip's investigation isn't over yet. With one more episode left, she will continue her investigation to find out what happened to Andie after she left Elliot's house.

'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' is now streaming on Netflix