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‘A Good Girl's Guide to Murder': All the characters ranked, and why Ravi Singh isn't #1

Take a look at the pivotal characters in Netflix's 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' and what makes them special
From Ravi Singh to Pip, here's a breakdown of the best characters in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
From Ravi Singh to Pip, here's a breakdown of the best characters in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

May contain spoilers for 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder'

LONDON, ENGLAND: Emma Myers starrer 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' had its worldwide digital release on Netflix, on August 1, 2024. The British television series based on the Holly Jackson's novel of the same name centers around Pip Fitz-Amobi (played by Emma Myers) who decides to investigate a local murder case ahead of her university admissions.

Divided into six intriguing episodes, the plot not only offers nail-biting suspense but also consists of finely written characters, making our viewing experience enriching and worth the time.

After binge watching the series, here's our assessment on the pivotal characters:

5. Victor Amobi

Gary Beadle and Kamari Loyd in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Gary Beadle and Kamari Loyd in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Victor Amobi is Pip's step-father in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder'. Gary Beadle as Victor is another lovely character from the series, who carries heart-warming traits.

He is not just a caring dad to both his children but is also a loving husband. He isn't ashamed to accept his flaws and is ready to put efforts in a relationship every time it is required.

He doesn't see Pip as an arrogant teenager when she slams the door on him and accuses him of cheating her mother. Instead, he acts calmly and has a heart-to-heart conversation. Pip certainly couldn't have asked for a better father than him.

4. Leanne Amobi

Anna Maxwell Martin as Leanne Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Anna Maxwell Martin as Leanne Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Leanne Amobi, Pip's mother, is a recurring character in the show. The character is played by Anna Maxwell Martin.

Leanne is a heartwarming character. She isn't a hyper-active mom who controls every action of her children. Instead, she gives them enough space to grow and make an identity of their own.

Despite being a mother to a head-strong teenager, she is a relatively calm woman, who trusts her daughter's ability to make her own decisions.

3. Naomi Ward

Yasmin Al-Khudhairi as Naomi Ward in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Yasmin Al-Khudhairi as Naomi Ward in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Naomi Ward is introduced as an ordinary girl struggling to get a job. However, she turns out to be a crucial character in Sal and Andie's case. She was Sal's best friend and was with him on the night of Andie's murder.

Naomi carries deep secrets and guilt for five years until it's too much for her and she decides to open up to Pip. Yasmin Al-Khudhairi effortlessly portrays Naomi's deep emotions in a limited screen time.

She is trapped by guilt from a mistake and a secret she harbored for years. Her eventual opening up reveals how much burden guilt can place on a person and how it can scar them for life. It's her character we empathize most, apart from the prime victims, of course.

2. Ravi Singh

Zain Iqbal as Ravi Singh in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Zain Iqbal as Ravi Singh in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Ravi Singh (played by Zain Iqbal) is Pip's companion in the investigation. Ravi has more reasons than Pip to solve the case because Sal Singh was his brother who was accused in Andie Bell's murder and eventually died.

Ravi, the tall brown guy, is an eye-candy in the series. His simplicity and compassion stands out as he steps out of his comfort zone to help Pip in the investigation, while being cautious of the dangers.

Unlike Pip, he doesn't put himself at risk which could be either viewed as a smart move or an annoying trait. While Pip is willing to risk everything to get Sal the justice he deserved, Ravi cannot even break into Bell's residence.

He doesn't even accompany Pip to the rave party and lets her walk into the danger all by herself. This isn't something we would expect from a male protagonist who is on a path to get justice.

However, the creators ensure that his thought process is clearly highlighted, showing that his decisions stem from prevalent racism where a brown guy would automatically be the first suspect when anything goes wrong. He knows his responsibility as a son, who can't let his parents go through the loss of another son.

1. Pip Fitz-Amobi

Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)
Emma Myers as Pip Fitz-Amobi in 'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' (@netflix)

Pip Fitz-Amobi is a strong protagonist and the soul of the narrative. She is head-strong, opinionated and confident in whatever she does.

She isn't your ordinary teenager who are clueless about their lives and career. Instead, she has an extra-ordinary clarity about what she wants, and it's the reason why even her parents respect her choices no matter how bizarre or risky they might be.

The only drawback is that she often walks into danger without considering the consequences. Whether it's attending a rave party to interrogate a drug dealer or entering a suspect's house alone, her actions seem reckless.

But hey, it’s fiction, and we know nothing bad will happen to the protagonist. She'll come out alive with yet another piece of evidence to solve the mystery.

'A Good Girl's Guide to Murder' is available to stream on Netflix