'Blacklist' gets the surprising 'Ian Garvey: conclusion'

This season of 'Blacklist' had the perfect conclusion: The 'Ian Garvey: conclusion'.
The death of Ian Garvey is not quite what the storyline led us to believe.
This prevents Liz from gaining knowledge that will reveal the cause of her husband's death.
This conclusion leaves Liz unanswered .... yet again. We do not know if this is truly the end of Ian Garvey.

In the previous episode, the long term protection of Reddington's second daughter was revealed to be done by Ian Garvey.
This showed the story to be a taking a completely different direction. But with the new conclusion, the possibility still exists but all the other promising developments have been kept waiting with frustating stalling tactics.
Liz and Reddington's two daughters want to know the truth behind the Bag 'o' Bones but Red cannot deliver it because of fear. Fear of Liz finding out who is really in the bag. We do know that fear is a strong motivator.
The truth is what got Tom Keen, Liz's husband, killed. Therefore she will keep going till she finds the truth.
This was definitely a wonderful TV watching hour. Every bit of the story line was wonderfully crafted to make the viewers weirdly excited as the storyline progresses.

A few question about this episode were answered by creator Jon Bokenkamp, taken from an article of TV guide.
When asked what the viewers' can get from the title 'Ian Garvey: Conclusion,' Bokenkamp said: "Well, we can take away that it's going to be a raucous standoff between two men who have been at each other for the better part of the season. Reddington (James Spader) now has incredible leverage over last episode's Blacklister, Zarak Mosadek — he's a drug supplier for cartels who is basically supplying the drugs to Ian Garvey and his band of misfits, the Nash Syndicate. Red has leverage over this guy, and when Red has leverage, that always makes for a good episode of our show. I think Red now finds himself in a position where he can at least try to take a strike. And what I promise is the plan may not go exactly as planned, it might involve a magic trick, but we are going to bring these two characters together, we want a big showdown. What's fun about it is we still have more episodes after this, it is not the end of the season and it is not the resolution of everything, and there's still questions to come."