'9-1-1 Lone Star' Episode 3: Marjan struggles on the job as she faces social stigma

This story contains major spoilers for '9-1-1: Lone Star' Episode 3 titled 'Texas Proud'
In the second episode, the 126 has a tonne of emergencies and fires to put out — from an accident at a grain silo to a steak-eating contest. At the silo, Marjan Marwani (Natacha Karam) gets stuck and when rescued out, her hijab falls off. This is recorded and put up on the web immediately going viral.
This wasn't the first time that Marjan went viral. Videos of her on different rescue missions taken by other people had gone viral. And that has actually worked out for her in the past. But this time around, the result is different.
At the mosque, Marjan is told that the women are concerned about her lack of modesty and that she should find herself another place of worship.
"There is nothing worse than the worst moment of your life going viral," she says.
The casual manner of the woman who warned Marjan has offended audiences. "Wow they really asked her to switch mosques," said one upset fan. "She said it so nonchalantly too," added another.
Slut-shamed at the mosque because of her pride, Marjan is down in the dumps. But her colleague Paul Strickland (Brian Michael Smith) tells her there is nothing she should be ashamed of. And if the place of worship is sacred to her, she has nothing to worry about the other women.
Episode 3 of '9-1-1 Lone Star' felt a lot better than the previous episode. Especially in terms of character development. The episode is all about swallowing pride and that realization comes to the characters at their own pace.
From Owen Strand's (Rob Lowe) son TK (Ronen Rubinstein) realizing that he must let go of his pride in order to be cordial with fellow firefighter Judd Ryder (Jim Parrack). Liv Tyler's Michelle Blake also swallows her pride and visits Dustin Shepard (Jon Foster) to ask him questions about her missing sister, cordially.
'9-1-1 Lone Star' airs on Mondays at 8 PM ET/PT.