'90 Day Fiance' Season 9: Jibri accuses Miona of being an 'entitled millennial'

For the couples on '90 Day Fiance', the further the season progress, the more it is clear that some couple are far from ready when it comes to tying the knot. Between communication, culture and money issues, it seems as though everyone has their fair share of drama, all while the clock continues to tick.
So far, fans have seen Bilal and Shaeeda face communication issues, Mohamed giving Yve ultimatums and Kobe and Emily arguing about how to raise their son, Koban. Turns out, that Miona and Jibri too, are sailing in the same relationship boat, which seems to be sinking quick.
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For Jibri and Miona, their mounting issues around money, their living situation and the wedding seems to be causing massive cracks in the relationship. With the pressure to get married in 90 days, the couple sat down with Jibri's parents to help smooth over the issue. Brian, Jibri's father voiced his opinion that he found it worrying that Miona would be ready to give up the relationship should the couple be unable to wed in 90 days.
Prompted by this, Jibri went off on Miona, calling her an 'entitled millennial' among other things. However, Mahala was quick to stop her son, reminding him that while he should express how he feels, name-calling was certainly not the way to go, and neither was berating Miona. Miona too, stood up for herself, reminding Jibri that even though they had their fair share of issues as a couple, it was important that he discuss these matters with her first as opposed to talking to everyone else about it. It looks like Miona's beach wedding demands certainly seems to be causing a whole lot of tension between the pair, right to the point where there might be even a relationship left at the end of it.
What do you think? Are Jibri and Miona rushing into things? Will this couple last through the season? Or are these current issues a sign of what is yet to come? Sound off in the comments below and tell us what you think.
'90 Day Fiancé' Season 9 airs every Sunday at 8/7c on TLC.