'60 Days In': Tony stirs up trouble after sheriff sends back new special ops team to Etowah County Jail

The big news of the finale for this season was that it wasn't the finale at all, and Tony is still Peek's favorite.
After the last team failed miserably on '60 Days In', Sheriff Horton and Chief Peek decided to bring in reinforcements - but this time, it wasn't just random civilians. This new team consists of only law enforcement officials, some of whom have been undercover extensively and have previously worked in leadership positions. However, things don't go as expected.
All contestants will be spending 30 days in, this time, and try to find as many problems as they can with the facility so Peek and Horton can make it better. They've got a narcotics detective, the commander of the county jail, a firefighter with eight years experience in corrections, a retired police sergeant and a familiar face who was very successful in his last stint at Etowah County Jail a.k.a corrections officer Tony.
This week we only saw a small peek of the new contestants inside the jail at intake but it seemed like Tony was already stirring up trouble for the rest of them. It all started during intake after Tony is strip-searched, asked to squat and cough and take a shower. While he was happy about the improvements after his last stint since they weren't searching inmates at intake at all, his mission this time appeared to be focused on the corrections officers themselves, and trust us, he pushes all their buttons.
Tony slips back into his inmate persona and tries to rob an elderly man in the holding cell. When he realizes no one was coming to stop him, he continues to hound him, telling him he wanted to count the guy's money. "If I wanted to take it from you, I would," he tells the man although we know his intentions were to do just that. Then, when it came to be assigned a cell, he cribbed and threw a fit when he couldn't get the bottom bunk - leading an officer to listen to him and give him a choice.
While this is great in terms of finds for the bosses, it jeopardizes his cover. A young inmate named Austin yells loudly in the common area that Tony was on the show with the camera crew and Tony threatens to "put blood in his mouth". It shuts him up but definitely raises eyebrows. Could his arrogance from his last success spell disaster for all?
We'll have to wait and see.
'60 Days In' airs at 9 pm ET on Thursdays on A&E.